Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/411

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 215-JULY 12, 1943 appropriated or made available to the Bureau of Agricultural Economics shall be used for State and county land-use planning. Crop and livestock estimates: For collecting, compiling, abstract- ing, analyzing, summarizing, interpreting, and publishing data relat- ing to agriculture, including crop and livestock estimates, acreage, yield, grades, staples of cotton stocks, and value of farm crops and numbers, grades, and value of livestock and livestock products on farms, in cooperation with the Extension Service and other Federal, Peanut statistics. State, and local agencies, and for the collection and publication of statistics of peanuts as provided by the Act approved June 24, 1936, 49 Stat. 1898 . as amended May 12, 1938 (7 U. S . C. 951-957), $1,354,266: Provided, 52 Stat. 348. Cotton acreage re- That no part of the funds herein appropriated shall be available for port, any expense incident to ascertaining, collating, or publishing a report stating the intention of farmers as to the acreage to be planted in Apple production, cotton: Provided further, That estimates of apple production shall be confined to the commercial crop. Total, salaries and expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, $3,481,502, including the employment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, either independently or in coop- eration with public agencies or organizations, of which amount not to exceed $1,826,649 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia, including the salary of the Chief of Bureau at $10,000 per annum, and not to exceed $1,000 for the purchase of books of reference, periodicals, and newspapers. OFFICE OF FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL RELATIONS 46 Stat. 497 . Combined Food Board. Membership ex- penses. Grand total, Office of the Secretary. Availability of funds. Incurred obligations ratified. Salaries and expenses: For carrying out the functions of the Sec- retary under the Act of June 5, 1930, as amended (7 U. S . C . 541-545), independently and in cooperation with other branches of the Govern- ment, State agencies, purchasing and consuming organizations and persons engaged in the production, transportation, marketing, and distribution of farm and food products, and for enabling the Secre- tary to discharge his functions as a member of the joint Great Britain- United States oard known as the Combined Food Board, includ- ing the employment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and the purchase of such books and periodicals and not to exceed $500 for newspapers as may be necessary in connection with this work, $420,670. INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION CONTROL COMMITTEES During the fiscal year 1944 the Secretary may expend not to exceed $12,500 from the funds available to the Agricultural Conserva- tion and Adjustment Administration for the share of the United States as a member of the International Wheat Advisory Committee, the International Sugar Council, or like events or bodies concerned with the reduction of agricultural surpluses or with other objectives of said Administration, together with traveling and other necessary expenses relating thereto. Grand total, Office of the Secretary of Agriculture, $24,623,443: Provided, That the appropriations and authority with respect to appropriations contained in this Act shall be available from and including July 1, 1943, for the purposes respectively provided in such appropriations and authority: Provided further,That all obligations incurred during the period between June 30, 1943, and the date of the enactment of this Act in anticipation of such appropriations and authority are hereby ratified and confirmed if in accordance with the terms thereof. [57 STAT.