Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/422

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 215-JULY 12, 1943 Agricultural chemical investigations: For conducting the investi- gations contemplated by the Act of May 15, 1862 (5 U. S . C . 511, 12tst. 387. 512), relating to the application of chemistry to agriculture; for the biological, chemical, physical, microscopical, and technological investi- gation of foods, feeds, drugs, plant and animal products, and sub- stances used in the manufacture thereof; for investigations of the physiological effects and for the pharmacological testing of such prod- ucts and of insecticides; for the investigation and development of methods for the manufacture of sugars, sugar sirups, and starches and the utilization of new agricultural materials for such purposes; for the technological investigation of the utilization of fruits and vegetables and for frozen pack investigations- for the investigation of chemicals for the control of noxious weeds and plants; and to cooperate with associations and scientific societies in the development of methods of analysis, $348,557. Agricultural engineering investigations: For investigations, experi- ments, and demonstrations involving the application of engineering principles to agriculture; for investigating and reporting upon the different kinds of farm power and appliances; upon farm domestic water supply and sewage disposal, upon the design and construction of farm buildings and their appurtenances and of buildings for processing and storing farm products; upon farm power and mechan- ical farm equipment and rural electrification, upon the engineering problems relating to the processing, transportation, and storage of perishable and other agricultural products; and upon the engineering problems involved in adapting physical characteristics of farm land to the use of modern farm machinery; for investigations of cotton Cotton ginning. ginning under the Act approved April 19, 1930 (7 U. S . C. 424, 425); 4 tat-248- for giving expert advice and assistance in agricultural and chemical engineering; for collating, reporting, and illustrating the results of investigations and preparing, publishing, and distributing bulletins, plans, and reports, $257,128, together with the unobligated balance of the funds made available under this head for the fiscal year 1943 for the construction of a water tower fire protection system at the United States Cotton Ginning Laboratory, Stoneville, Mississippi, to be available for the same purpose in 1944. Naval-stores investigations: For the investigation of naval stores (turpentine and rosin) and their components; the investigation and experimental demonstration of improved equipment, methods or processes of preparing naval stores; the weighing, storing, handling, transportation, and utilization of naval stores; and for the assembling and compilation of data on production, distribution, and consumption of turpentine and rosin, pursuant to the Act of August 15, 1935 (5 49 Stat. U U. S . C. 556b), $115,100. Total, salaries and expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering, $822,829, of which amount not to exceed $472,500 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. REGIONAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES For all salaries and expenses, including personal services in the District of Columbia, necessary to enable the Secretary to continue the researches established under the provisions of section 202 (a) to 52 tat. 37. 202 (e), inclusive, of title I, and subject to the provisions of section 393 of title III, of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (1 U. S. C. 5 tat 0 1292, 1393), including research on food products of farm commodities, $3,959,385. BVBAU OF HolE EcONO.Ics Salaries and expenses: For necessary expenses, including not to exceed $169,657 for personal services in the District of Columbia, of 409