Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/432

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., IT SESS.-CH. 215 -JULY 12, 1943 purposes", approved April 27, 1935 (16 U. S. C. -590a-590f), which 4taB. 63up.1 provides for a national program of erosion control and soil and i 5oa. moisture conservation to be carried out directly and in cooperation with other agencies, including the employment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, purchase of books and periodicals, maintenance, repair, and operation of one passenger- carrying automobile in the District of Columbia, furnishing of sub- sistence to employees, training of employees, and the purchase and erection of permanent buildings: Provided, That the cost of any costofbuidings. building purchased, erected, or as improved, exclusive of the cost of constructing a water supply or sanitary system and connecting the same with any- such building, shall not exceed $2,500 except where buildings are acquired in conjunction with land being purchased for other purposes and except for eight buildings to be constructed at a cost not to exceed $15,000 per building: Provided further, That no Construction on land not owned by money appropriated in this Act shall be available for the construction Government. of any such building on land not owned by the Government: Provided further, That during the fiscal year for which appropriations are Wrehouse mainte herein made the appropriations for the work of the Soil Conservation ance, etc Service shall be available for meeting the expenses of warehouse maintenance and the procurement, care, and handling of supplies, materials, and equipment stored therein for distribution to projects under the supervision of the Soil Conservation Service and for sale and distribution to other Government activities, the cost of such supplies and materials or the value of such equipment (including the cost of transportation and handling) to be reimbursed to appropri- ations current at the time additionalsupplies, materials, or equipment are procured from the appropriations chargeable with the cost or value of such supplies, materials, or equipment. General administrative expenses: For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, including the salary of the Chief of the Soil Conservation Service and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $401,315: Provided, That no part of the money appropri- ated in this paragraph shall be available for expenditure if any emergency appropriations are made available for administrative expenses m administering the funds provided in regular appropriations to the Soil Conservation Service. Soil and moisture conservation and land-use investigations: For research and investigations into the character, cause, extent, history, and effects of erosion, soil and moisture depletion and methods of soil and moisture conservation (including the construction and hydrologic phases of farm irrigation and land drainage); and for construction, operation, and maintenance of experimental watersheds, stations, laboratories, plots, and installations, $1,071,573. Soil and moisture conservation and land-use operations, demon- strations, and information: For carrying out preventive measures to conserve soil and moisture, including such special measures as may be necessary to prevent floods and the siltation of reservoirs, and including the improvement of farm irrigation and land drainage, the establishment and operation of erosion nurseries, the making of conservation plans and surveys, and the dissemination of information, $19.130,000: Provided, That any part of this appropriation allocated Nurery stock for the production or procurement of nursery stock by any Federal agency, or funds appropriated to any Federal agency for allocation to cooperating States for the production or procurement of nursery stock, shall remain available for expenditure for not more than three fiscal years Emergency erosion -ontrol, Everglades region, Florida: For J ib' research and demonstration work m soil conservation control 419