Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/468

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57 STAT.] 78TH OONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CH. 219-JULY 12, 1943 of this appropriation, and actual transportation and other necessary expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence of persons serving, while away from their homes, in an advisory capacity without other compensation from the United States, or at $1 per annum; contract stenographic reporting services; books of reference, periodicals and newspapers; office supplies; furniture and equipment; purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger-carrying automobiles; and the acceptance and utilization of voluntary and uncompensated services, $875,000: Provided, That section 3709, Revised Statutes, shall not apply to any purchase or service rendered under this appropriation when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $300. GENERAL LAND OFFICE For personal services in the District of Columbia, $786,300, includ- ing one clerk, who shall be designated by the President, to sign land patents. For traveling expenses of officers and employees, for employment of stenographers and other assistants, for separate maps of public- land States and Alaska; for the reproduction by photolithography or otherwise of official plats of surveys; for expenses of restoration to the public domain of lands in forest reserves and of lands tempo- rarily withdrawn for forest-reserve purposes; and for expenses of hearings or other proceedings held by order of the General Land Office to determine the character of lands, whether alleged fraudulent entries are of that character or have been made in compliance with the law, and of hearings in disbarment proceedings, $18,000. Surveying public lands: For surveys and resurveys of public lands, examination of surveys heretofore made and reported to be defective or fraudulent, inspecting mineral deposits, coal fields, and timber districts, making fragmentary surveys, and such other surveys or examinations as may be required for identification of lands for pur- poses of evidence in any suit or proceeding in behalf of the United States, under the supervision of the Commissioner of the General Land Office and direction of the Secretary, $450,000, including opera- tion and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles: Provided, That not to exceed $5,000 of this appropriation may be expended for salaries of employees of the field surveying service tem- porarily detailed to the General Land Office: Provided further, That this appropriation may be expended for surveys made under the supervision of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, but when expended for surveys that would not otherwise be chargeable hereto it shall be reimbursed from the applicable appropriation, fund, or special deposit. Salaries and expenses, branch of field examination: For salaries and expenses of field examinations, classification of lands, and inves- tigations required in the administration and execution of the public land laws, and the protection of the public lands and their resources from trespass, including operation and maintenance of passenger- carrying automobiles and motorboats, $345,000. Registers: For salaries and commissions of registers of district land offices, $74,000. Salaries and expenses of land offices: For salaries (except regis- ters) and all necessary expenses incident to the operation and mainte- nance of district land offices and the disposal, supervision, and man- agement of the public lands, including operation and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $163,000: Provided That no expenses chargeable to the Government shall be incurred by register in the conduct of local land oices except upon previos 41U.S.C . I& Heartng s.. Detail of employee Expenditure for survey. 455