Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/490

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 219-JULY 12, 1943 Boise project, Idaho, Anderson Ranch, $3,000,000; Lugert-Altus project, Oklahoma, $1,650,000: Provided,That of the total construction cost of all features of the project not to exceed $3,080,000 shall be reimbursable under the provisions of the reclama- tion law; Tucumcari project, New Mexico, $500,000; Yakima project, Washington, Roza division, $865,000; General investigations: For engineering and economic investiga- tions of proposed Federal reclamation projects and for surveys and investigations for reconstruction, rehabilitation, extensions of exist- ing projects, and studies of water conservation and development plans, such investigations, surveys, and studies to be carried on by the Bureau of Reclamation either independently, or, if deemed advisable by the Secretary, in cooperation with State agencies and other Federal agencies, including the Corps of Engineers, and the Federal Power Commission, $350,000; Administrative expenses: For personal services (not to exceed $265,000 in the District of Columbia) and other expenses, $375,000; Total, general fund, construction, $32,809,000. WATER CONSERVATION AND UTILIZATION PROJECTS For the construction of water conservation and utilization projects and small reservoirs, including not to exceed $220,000 for surveys, investigations, and administrative expenses in connection therewith (of which not to exceed $20,000 shall be available for personal services in District of Columbia), all as authorized by the Act of August 11, 1939, as amended (16 U. S . C . 590y, 590z), $64,000. The paragraph appearing in the Interior Department Appropria- tion Act 1942 (55 Stat. 337), under the caption "Bureau of Reclama- tion" under the heading "General Fund, Construction" authorizing the Secretary to incur obligations and enter into contracts for con- struction work within specified amounts, and without regard to appropriations made therein on the Gila project, Arizona, Colorado- Big Thompson project, Colorado, Boise project, Idaho, Tucumcari project, New Mexico, Lugert-Altus project, Oklahoma. Provo River project, Utah, and the Yakima project, Washington, ioza division, and the paragraph in the said Act (55 Stat. 338) authorizing the Bureau of Reclamation to enter into contracts for the procurement of materials and supplies and for the purchase of necessary interest in lands for the Fort Peck project, Montana, are hereby repealed. Services or labor of prisoners of war, enemy aliens, and American- born Japanese who are in the control of the Federal Government may be utilized in connection with the construction, operation, and main- tenance of Federal reclamation projects, water conservation and utili- zation projects, Indian irrigation projects, and related work, subject to the approval of, and regulations by, the War Department or other Federal agency having control of such persons. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY For all salaries and expenses necessary for the work of the Geologi- cal Survey, including personal services in the District of Columbia; purchase (not to exceed $52,500), hire maintenance, repair, and oper- ation of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehi- cles for field use; and exchange of unserviceable and worn-out pas- senger-carrying and freight-carrying vehicles as part payment for new freight-carrying vehicles; as follows: Salaries: For personal services in the District of Columbia, $177,570; 477 Lugert-Altus, Okla. General investiga- tions. Administrative ex- penses. Poe, p. 623 . 53 Stat. 1418 . 16 U. S. C., Supp. II, I 690y. Post, p. 666 . Authority to incur certain obligations, etc., repealed. Enemy aliens, etc. Utilization of labor and services. Oeneral expenses.