Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/495

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[57 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 219-JULY 12, 1943 two motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; not to exceed $31,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia; printing and binding; purchase in the District of Columbia and elsewhere of furniture and equipment, professional books and publications, sta- tionery and supplies, and purchase of such personal wearing apparel or equipment as may be required for the protection of employees ontributions. while engaged in their work, $2,000,000: Provided, That the Secre- tary, acting through the Director of the Bureau of Mines, is hereby authorized to accept buildings, equipment, and other contributions from public or private sources and to carry out the projects in coop- eration with other departments or agencies of the Federal Govern- ment, States, and State agencies, and other organizations. ment laoratory. Construction and equipment of an electrodevelopment laboratory: The unobligated balance of the appropriation under this head in the 56 Stat. 53. Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1943, is hereby made avail- able for the same purposes and under the same conditions until June 30, 1944. fuelareductson of iron Gaseous and solid fuel reduction of iron ores (national defense) : ores. For necessary expenses without regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes, for pilot-scale tests on the gaseous and solid-fuel reduction of iron ores, including laboratory research and maintenance and oper- ation of pilot plants; procurement of necessary materials and ores; purchase or lease of land or buildings; construction and equipment of buildings; engagement by contract or otherwise, at such rates of compensation as the Secretary of the Interior may determine, of engineers, architects, or firms or corporations thereof necessary to design and construct the buildings and pilot plants; supplies and equipment; travel expenses; not to exceed $9,500 for personal services in the District of Columbia; not to exceed $200 for printing and binding, books of reference and periodicals; purchase not to exceed $2,775 (including exchange), operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger-carrying automobiles; special wearing apparel and equip- ment for the protection of employees while employed; purchase in the District of Columbia and elsewhere of other items otherwise Ante,.p. M properly chargeable to the appropriation "Contingent expenses, ontributions. I)epartment of the Interior", $400,000: Provided, That the Secretary, through the Director of the Bureau of Mines, is authorized to accept lands. buildings, equipment, and other contributions from public or private sources for the purposes hereof, and to carry out projects in cooperation with other agencies, Federal, State, or private. ficiation pil plants Manganese beneficiation pilot plants and research (national and research. defense) : For all necessary expenses, without regard to section 3709, 41 U.B.C. i Revised Statutes, of investigations and development of methods of beneficiating and smelting domestic manganese ores, including ore dressing, hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, and for the production of metallic manganese by electrolytic or other methods, including all necessary preliminary and supplemental laboratory research; mainte- nance and operation of pilot plants; procurement of necessary mate- rials and ores for metallurgical tests, purchase or lease of land; construction and equipment of buildings to house pilot plants; includ- ing employment by contract or otherwise, at such rates of compensa- tion as the Secretary may determine, of engineers, architects, or firms or corporations thereof that are necessary to design and construct the buildings and pilot plants; supplies and equipment; travel expenses; personal services in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $20,000); printing and binding (not to exceed $1,500); purchase in the District - of Columbia and elsewhere of furniture and equipment stationery and supplies; professional books and publications; purchase not to exceed $5,000, operation, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled 482