Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/539

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526 Subsidy payments. Maximum prices on agricultural commodi- ties. 56 Stat. 27, 765. 50 U. S. C., Supp. II, app. §§ 903 (a), (b), (c), 961-971. Ante, p. 63. 56 Stat. 766 . 50U. S. C., Supp. II, app. i 963. Administration of oaths. Experience require- nmnt for designated lwrsonnel. Restriction on use of funds. Post,. . 38. Exception. Grade labeling or standardization of products. Post, p. 566. PUBLIC LAWS-OCH. 228-JULY 12, 1943 [57 STAT. graphs, charts, or other documents of like general character wherein individual statistics or the source thereof is not disclosed or identified directly or indirectly nor to prevent the furnishing in confidence to the War Department, the Navy Department, or the United States Maritime Commission, such data and information as may be requested by them for use in the performance of their official duties: Pro- vided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for making any subsidy payments: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to enforce any maximum price or prices on any agricultural commodity or any commodity processed or manufactured in whole or substantial part from any agricultural com- modity, including milk and its products and livestock, unless and until (1) the Secretary of Agriculture has determined and published for such agricultural commodity the prices specified in section 3 (a) of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended by Public Law Numbered 729, approved October 2, 1942; (2) in case of a comparable price for such agricultural commodity, the Secretary of Agriculture has held public hearings and determined and published such comparable price in the manner prescribed by section 3 (b) of said Act as amended; and (3) the Secretary of Agriculture has determined after investigation and proclaimed that the maximum price or prices so established on any such agricultural commodity, including milk and its product and livestock, will reflect to the pro- ducer of such agricultural commodity a price in conformity with sec- tion 3 (c) of said Act as amended: Provided further, That such maxi- mum price or prices shall conform in all respects to the provisions of section 3 of Public Law Numbered 729 approved October 2, 1942: Provided further, That any employee of the Office of Price Adminis- tration is authorized and empowered, when designated for the pur- pose by the head of the agency, to administer to or take from any person an oath, affirmation, or affidavit when such instrument is required in connection with the performance of the functions or activities of said Office: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be directly or indirectly used for the payment of the salary or expenses of any person who directs the formulation of any price policy, maximum price, or price ceiling with respect to any article or conllnodity lulless, in the Judgmlent of the Administrator, such person shall be qualified by experience in business, industry, or commerce; but this limitation shall not apply to the Administrator or Acting Administrator as the case may be, in considering, adopting, signing, and promulgating price policies, maximum prices, or price ceilings formulated and prepared in compliance herewith: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for the promulgation or enforcement of orders requiring grade labelling or standardization of food products, wearing apparel or other processed or manufactured commodities or articles. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES Salaries and expenses: For all expenses necessary to enable the Office of Strategic Services to carry out its functions and activities, anddecputry aristt including salaries of a Director at $10,000 per annum, one assistant director and one deputy director at $9,000 per annum each; utilization of voluntary and uncompensated services; procurement of necessary 41 U. S.C.CIi. services, supplies and equipment without regard to section 3709, Travelexpenses. Revised Statutes; travel expenses, including (1) expenses of attend- ance at meetings of organizations concerned with the work of the Office of Strategic Services, (2) actual transportation and other neces- sary expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence of