Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/549

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 228-JULY 12, 1943 Expenditures from (b) Whenever sums are set apart from the foregoing appropria- specal projests. tions for the constituent agencies under the Office for Emergency Management for special projects (classified in the estimates submitted to Congress as or under "Other contractual services") expenditures may be made therefrom for traveling expenses, printing and binding, and purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles without regard to the limitations specified for such objects under the respec- tive heads, but within such amounts as the Director of the Bureau of Report toongress. the Budget may approve therefor and such Director shall report to Congress each such limitation determined by him. Transferof funds. (C) There may be transferred from the appropriations for such constituent agencies to other Government agencies sums for the per- byAutheratencisrk formance of work or services for the transferring agency but unless otherwise authorized by law, no other agency of the Government shall perform work or render services for any of the constituent agencies, whether or not the performance of such work or services involves the transfer of funds or reimbursement of appropriations, unless author- ity therefor by the Bureau of the Budget shall have been obtained in advance. (d) The foregoing general provisions (a), (b), and (c) shall Ante, . . have no application to appropriations for the War Shipping Administration. Delegation of au- (e) The head of any constituent agency may delegate to any offi- thonty. cial in such agency or in the field offices of the Division of Central Administrative Services the authority to make appointments of per- sonnel and he may also delegate to any official in the agency of which he is the head the authority to make other determinations necessary for the conduct of the administrative management within such agency. Administration of (f) Any employee of any of the constituent agencies is authorized, when designated for the purpose by the head of such agency, to admin- ister to or take from any person an oath, affirmation, or affidavit, when such instrument is required in connection with the performance of the functions or activities of such agency. oonsideration, etc., (g) The head of any of the constituent agencies is authorized, in connection with the operations of such agency, to consider, ascer- tain, adjust, determine, and certify claims against the United States 42 Stat. 1066. il accordance with the Act of December 28, 1922 (31 U. S. C. 215), aind to designate certifying officers in accordance with the Act of 'S Stat. 875'. December 29, 1941, or to delegate authority to the Director of the 31 (J. .C., Supp. II, §§ 82b-82e. I)ivision of Central Administrative Services to designate employees of such Division as certifying officers to certify vouchers payable against the funds of the constituent agency concerned. Vocational reha SEC. 102. On the effective date of the Vocational Rehabilitation Funls available. Act Amendments of 1943, (1) the amounts appropriated in the first, Pp' . p 174 502. second, and fourth paragraphs under the heading "Vocational Re- habilitation" in the Federal Security Agency Appropriation Act, 1944, shall be consolidated into one fund and shall be available for carrying out the provisions of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act Administrative ex- Amendments of 1943; except that not to exceed $25,000 shall be avail- Ante,pp.336 ,378,502. able for administrative expenses in providing rehabilitation for dis- abled residents of the District of Columbia, including printing and binding, travel and subsistence; and (2) the amount appropriated in the fifth paragraph under the heading "Vocational Rehabilitation" in the Federal Security Agency Appropriation Act, 1944, shall be avail- able for administrative expenses in carrying out the provisions of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1943, and for carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the opera- tion of stands in Federal buildings by blind persons, to enlarge the [57 STAT. 536