Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/556

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., IST SESS.-CH. 229-JULY 12, 1943 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT (OUT OF THE POSTAL REVENUES) FIELD SERVICE OFFICE OF TE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Ante, pp . 446, 447. Compensation to postmasters: For an additional amount for com- pensation to postmasters, fiscal year 1943, including the objects speci- fed under this head in the Post Office Department Appropriation Act, 1943, $1,875,000. 56 Stat. 14. Clerks, first- and second-class post offices: For an additional amount for compensation to clerks and employees at first- and second-class post offices, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified under this head in the Post Office Department Appropriation Act, 1943, 56 stat. 164 . $11,750,000. Special-delivery fees: For an additional amount for fees to special- delivery messengers, fiscal year 1943, $1,100,000. OFFICE OF THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Ante, p. 44 Star Route Service: For an additional amount for inland trans- portation by star routes (excepting service in Alaska), including temporary service to newly established post offices, fiscal year 1943, $1,100,000. Railroad transportation and mail-messenger service: For an addi- Ante, p . 447. tional amount for inland transportation by railroad routes and for mail-messenger service, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified under this head in the Post Office Department Appropriation Act, 66 stat. 165. 1943, $4,500,000. Railway postal clerks, travel allowance: For an additional amount Ante, p .439. for travel allowance to railway postal clerks and substitute railway postal clerks, fiscal year 1943, $29,000. Railway Mail Service, traveling expenses: For an additional Ante. p . 439. amount for Railway Mail Service, traveling expenses, fiscal year 1943, Railway Mail Service, miscellaneous expenses: For an additional amount for miscellaneous expenses, Railway Mail Service, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified under this head in the Post Office Department Appropriation Act, 1943, $3,500. Mstat. 1i6. ilectric-car service: For an additional amount for electric-car service, fiscal year 1943, $23,000. OFFICE OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Ante, p. 447. Manufacture and distribution of stamps and stamped paper: For an additional amount for the manufacture and distribution of stamps and stamped paper, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified under this head in the Post Office Department Appropriation Act 66 stat. 66 . 1943, $200,000. Unpaid money orders more than one year old: For an additional amount for payment of domestic money orders more than one year old from the last day of the month of issue of such orders, fiscal year 1943, $35,000. OFFICE OF THE FOUBTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTfEBR ENoRAL Ate, p . 447. Vehicle service: For an additional amount for vehicle service, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified under this head in the Post O e Deprtment Appropriation Act, 1943, $508,95. stat. i. 543