Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/561

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 229-JULY 12, 1943 50 Stat. 903 . 7U.8.c. 1100- 1183; Supp. II, ch. 34 . 50 Stat. 525 . 7 U. S. C.§§ 1010- 1013; Supp. I, § 1011. For administrative expenses, United States Housing Authority, Federal Public Housing Authority, $24.87. For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Administration, $1,311.71. For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Bureau, $5.20. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, $4.20. Department of Agriculture: For salaries and expenses, library, Department of Agriculture, $38.37. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, $381.80 . For salaries and expenses, Soil Conservation Service, $4,038.50. For salaries and expenses, Forest Service, $2.26. For salaries and expenses, Agricultural Marketing Service, $42.08 . For National Industrial Recovery, Resettlement Administration, submarginal lands (transfer to Agriculture), $4. For development of water facilities, arid and semiarid areas, Department of Agriculture, $8.12 . For acquisition of lands for protection of watersheds of navigable streams, $356. For control of emergency outbreaks of insect pests and plant diseases, $610.37. For exportation and domestic consumption of agricultural com- modities, Department of Agriculture, $45.49. For exportation and domestic consumption of agricultural com- modities, Department of Agriculture (transfer to Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation), $732.39 . For retirement of cotton pool participation trust certificates, Department of Agriculture, $5.31. For administration of Sugar Act of 1937, Department of Agricul- ture, $40.75. For conservation and use of agricultural land resources, Depart- ment of Agriculture, $7,063.97. For farm tenancy, Department of Agriculture, $1,348.80. For submarginal land program, Farm Tenant Act, Department of Agriculture, $1,695. For land utilization and retirement of submarginal land, Depart- ment of Agriculture, $871.60. For liquidation and management of resettlement projects, Depart- ment of Agriculture, $5.20. For salaries and expenses, Farm Credit Administration, $2.50. For salaries and expenses, Farm Credit Administration. Depart- ment of Agriculture, 75 cents. For farmers' crop production and harvesting loans, Farm Credit Administration. $21.57. For loans to farmers in drought- and storm-stricken areas, emergency relief, $32.26. For New England hurricane damage, Forest Service, $8.82. Department of Commerce: For establishment of air-navigation facilities, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $16,137.41. For salaries and expenses, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $2,308.78. For maintenance of air-navigation facilities, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $1. For salaries and expenses, Weather Bureau, $134.64. For traveling expenses, Department of Commerce, $1.35. Department of the Interior: For Geological Survey, $1.12 . For investigation of domestic sources of mineral supply, Bureau of Mines, $78.70. For migratory bird conservation fund, Department of the Interior (receipt linitation), $1,433.06. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Biological Survey, $2.12 . [57 STAT. 548