Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/564

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551 57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., IST SESS.-CH. 229JULY 12, 1943 For general administrative expenses, Public Buildings Adminis- tration, $72.80. For operating supplies for public buildings, Public Buildings Administration, $497.31. For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Administration, $119.20. Department of Agriculture: For salaries and expenses, Soil Con- servation Service, $20.55. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, $12.50. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quar- antine, 50 cents. For acquisition of lands for protection of watersheds of navigable streams, $550. For salaries and expenses, Forest Service, $3.65. For exportation and domestic consumption of agricultural com- modities, Department of Agriculture (transfer to Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation), 380.89. For conservation and use of agricultural land resources, Depart- ment of Agriculture, $325.64. - For land utilization and retirement of submarginal land, Depart- ment of Agriculture, $480. For liquidation and management of resettlement projects, Depart- ment of Agriculture, $249.50. For loans to farmers in drought- and storm-stricken areas, emergency relief $23.27. Department of Commerce: For Civil Aeronautics Authority fund, $6,920. For establishment of air-navigation facilities, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $1,737.50. For increase of compensation, Department of Commerce, $69.50. For salaries, Patent Office, $1,248.34. Department of the Interior: For migratory bird conservation fund, Department of the Interior (receipt limitation), $288.40. For Indian school support, $93. For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $23.71 . Department of Justice: For salaries and expenses, Lands Divi- sion, Department of Justice, $15. For salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth, Department of Justice, $13.52. Navy Department: For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $29,254 For rebuilding and repairing stations, and so forth, Coast Guard, $20. For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $1,673.49. For aviation, Navy, $33,766.56. For aviation 1938 contracts, Navy, $585.60. For miscellaneous expenses, Navy, $1.35. For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $1.06. For contingent expenses, Coast Guard (Navy), $15.78. For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, Coast Guard (Navy), $60.69. Treasury Department: For collecting the internal revenue, $24.92. War Department: For clothing and equipage, Army, $62.40. For Signal Service of the Army, $36,492.91. For citizens' military training camps, $1.62. For travel of the Army, $45.75. For Army transportation, $125.28. For pay of the Army, $7.18. For increase of compensation, Military Establishment $.99 For Civilian Conservation Corps (transfer to War), $i,676.49.