Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/586

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 1 ST SESS.-CHS. 266, 269, 270-OCT. 19, 21, 1943 acquire, in his discretion, certain lands located in the State of Arizona known as the Montezuma Well property, containing approximately one hundred and eighty acres and situated within section 36, town- ship 15 north, range 5 east, and section 31, township 15 north, range 6 east, Gila and Salt River meridian. Such lands, when acquired, shall become a detached unit of Montezuma Castle National Monu- ment. (b) Effective on the date of the acquisition of such property, the south half of the northwest quarter of section 31, township 15 north, range 6 east, Gila and Salt River meridian, containing eighty acres of land owned by the United States, shall also become a part of such national monument. SEc. 2 . All laws, rules, and regulations applicable to such national monument shall be applicable with respect to the lands described in the first section of this Act upon the addition of such lands to such national monument. The title to real property acquired pursuant to this Act shall be satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior. ScO. 3. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary but not to exceed $25,000 to carry out the pro- visions of this Act. Approved October 19, 1943. [CHAPTER 269] AN ACT To amend section 11 of the Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 11 of the Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942 (56 Stat. 738; 34 U. S. C. 850j), be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: "When first commissioned pursuant to this Act officers shall be paid a uni- form allowance of $150 if commissioned as ensigns in the Naval Reserve, and of $250 if commissioned as second lieutenants in the Marine Corps Reserve: Provided,That any officer who has heretofore received the cash uniform gratuity of $150 provided in section 302 of the Naval Reserve Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 1180) shall not be entitled to this uniform allowance." SEC. 2 . This Act shall become effective as of August 4, 1942. Approved October 21, 1943. ICHAPTER 270] AN ACT AN ACT Authorizing the conveyance to the State of Virginia, for highway purposes only, of a portion of the Naval Mine Depot Reservation at Yorktown, Virginia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to convey to the State of Virginia, for highway purposes only, upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe, all right, title, and interest of the United States of America in and to a strip or parcel of land of the Naval Mine Depot Reservation at Yorktown, York County, Virginia, containing eight and three one-hundredths acres, more or less, metes and bounds description of which is on file in the Navy Department. Approved October 21, 1943. 573 Addition of lands. Administration. Appropriation an- thorized. October 21 1943 S[.111] [Public Law 165] Naval Aviation Ca- det Act of 1942, amend- ment. 34 U. S. C., Bupp. 11§ 850l. Uniform allowance. 14U.S.C.I85 October 21, 194 [8.1170] [Public Law 166 State of Vrginia Conveyance of land.