Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/603

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590 November 12, 1943 [H. R. 3366] [Public Law 185] Interstate Com- merce Act, amend- ments. 56 Stat. 290. 49 U. S. C., Supp. II § 1009. Freight forwarders, joint rates. November 12, 1943 [S. J. Res. 951 [Public Law 186] Philippines. Tenure of present President and Vice President. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 299-301 -NOV. 12, 22, 1943 [57 STAT. [CHAPTER 299] AN ACT To amend section 409 of the Interstate Commerce Act, relating to joint rates of freight forwarders and common carriers by motor vehicle. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 409 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, is amended by striking out the words "eighteen months" wherever they appear therein and inserting in lieu thereof the words "thirty-six months". SEC. 2. Paragraph (4) of the proviso contained in subsection (a) of such section 409 is amended to read as follows: "(4) No new or additional joint rate or charge may be established under authority of this section for service from any point of origin to any point of destination with respect to any particular commodity or class of traffic unless at least one rate or charge for service from such point of origin to such point of destination with respect to such commodity or class of traffic, established by an individual freight forwarder or by a freight forwarder jointly with a common carrier by motor vehicle, is already lawfully in effect; but for purposes of this paragraph the making of a change in a joint rate or charge which has been established, or which has become effective pursuant to this section, shall not be deemed to constitute the establishment of a new or additional joint rate or charge." Approved November 12, 1943. [CHAPTER 300] JOINT RESOLUTION Relating to the tenure of office of the present President and Vice President of the Philippines. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwith- standing the provisions of section 5 of article VII of the amended Constitution of the Philippines, the present President and Vice President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines serving at the time of the introduction of this joint resolution shall continue in their respective offices until the President of the United States shall proclaim that constitutional processes and normal functions of gov- ernment shall have been restored in the Philippine Islands. There- upon, the tenure of office of the present President of the Common- wealth shall cease and the Vice President shall become President to serve until such time as his successor shall have been elected and qualified according to the Constitution and the laws of the Philippines. Approved November 12, 1943. [CHAPTER 301] AN ACT November 22, 1943 AN ACT [H. R. 800] To provide for the issuance of a flag to the nearest relatives of certain persons [Public Law 187] who die in service in the land or naval forces of the United States. U. S. flag. Issuance in case of death in military or naval service. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in the case of any person who has died while in the military or naval service of the United States after May 27, 1941, and prior to the end of the wars in which the United States is now engaged, the Administrator of Vet- erans' Affairs is authorized and directed to issue free of cost to the nearest relative of such person, or to such other person as the Admin-