Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/610

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 342-DEC. 5 , 1943 031 selective service appeal board having jurisdiction over the area in which is located the principal place of employment of the registrant. Such decision of the appeal board shall be final unless modified or changed by the President, and such decision shall be made public. Power of the Presi- The President, upon appeal or upon his own motion, shall have power dent. to determine all claims or questions with respect to inclusion for, or exemption or deferment from, training and service under this Act; and the determination of the President shall be final. Manner of indue- "(m) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4 (b), under such tion. rules and regulations as the President may prescribe, on the basis of the 50 US*. C. app. best inventory information available to him at the time of allocating 304 (b). calls, without affecting the usual regular and orderly flow of the Nation's manpower into the armed forces as required for service therein, and in accordance with the requisitions of the land and naval forces and with the other provisions of this Act, registrants shall, on a Nation-wide basis within the Nation and a State-wide basis within each State, be ordered to report to induction stations in such a manner that registrants, regardless of their occupations or the activities in CerteinprorgtstrDnt which they may be engaged, who were married prior to December 8, 819l41. 1941, who have maintained a bona fide family relationship with their families since that date and who have a child or children under eighteen years of age, will be inducted after the induction of other registrants not deferred, exempted, relieved from liability, or post- poned from induction under this Act or the rules and regulations prescribed thereunder who are available for induction and are accept- able to the land and naval forces. The term 'child' as used in this "hild. section means a legitimate child born prior to September 15, 1942, a stepchild, adopted child, foster child, or a person who is in the rela- tionship of child to the registrant, who became such prior to Decem- ber 8,1941, who is less than eighteen years of age, or who by reason of mental or physical defects is incapable of self-support, who is unmar- ried, and with whom the registrant has maintained a bona fide family relationship in their home since December 7, 1941, or since the date of birth if such date of birth is later than December 7, 1941: Provided, That no individuals shall be called for induction, ordered to report to grupcudttionl or induction stations, or be inducted because of their occupations, or by occupational groups, or by groups in any plant or institutions, except pursuant to a requisition by the land or naval forces for persons in needed medical professional and specialist categories." SEC. 2 . (a) Section 10 (a) (2) of such Act, as amended, is amended s:tOu.s89.a to read as follows: (s)(2); Bpp. II , 310 "(2) to create and establish a Selective Service System, and shall nelective Service provide for the classification of registrants and of persons who volun- System. teer for induction under this Act on the basis of availability for train- regstrants, etc. ing and service, and shall establish within the Selective Service System cbvllianil ol civilian local boards, civilian appeal boards, and such other agencies, bods. including agencies of appeal, as may be necessary to carry out the pro- visions of this Act. There shall be created one or more local boards in each county or political subdivision corresponding thereto of each State, Territory, and the District of Columbia. Each local board shall Membership. consist of three or more members to be appointed by the President? from recommendations made by the respective Governors or com- parable executive officials. No member of any such local board shall Beifreqmet be a member of the land or naval forces of the United States, but each member of any such local board shall be a civilian who is a citizen of the United States residing in the county or political subdivision corre- sponding thereto in which such local board has jurisdiction under rules and regulations prescribed by the President-. Such local boards, Pm 'under rules and regulations prescribed by the President, hall have