Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/630

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57 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 1ST SESS. - CH. 380-DEC. 23, 1943 vided, That the Surgeon General is authorized, on application of a municipality, county, or other local subdivision of government duly approved by the State health department having jurisdiction over said municipality, county, or other local subdivision of government to enter into agreements with private practicing physicians and dentists under which, in consideration of the payment to them of a relocation allowance of not to exceed $250 per month for three months and the actual cost of travel and transportation of the phy- sician or dentist and his family and household effects to the new location, such physician or dentist will agree to move to and engage in the practice of his profession in such area for a period of not less than one year: Provided, however, That no such contract shall be made with any physician or dentist unless such physician or dentist shall be admitted to practice by the State authority having jurisdic- tion of such new location: Provided further, That each such appli- cant subdivision shall contribute 25 per centum to the total cost of such relocation allowance, travel, and transportation costs of each such physician or dentist and his family obtained by said applicant. Division of Mental Hygiene: For an additional amount for the Division of Mental Hygiene, fiscal year 1944, including the objects specified under this head in the Federal Security Agency Appropria- tion Act, 1944, and not to exceed $10,000 for the procurement of miscellaneous articles and supplies for sale to patients of the hos- pitals provided for under this head and for the employment of per- sonnel, purchase of equipment, and other expenses necessary for the operation of commissaries, including the printing of commissary coupon books, the proceeds of such sales to be deposited in the Treasury in a special account which shall be available for expenditure for the replenishment of stock and the continued operation of com- missaries as aforesaid, $25,000: Provided, That the limitation of $100 on the purchase of newspapers and periodicals under this head in said appropriation Act is hereby increased to $500. rEDERAL WORKS AGENCY Office of the Administrator: Not to exceed $4,500 of the funds appropriated by the Public Works Administration Appropriation Act of 1938 shall be available to the Office of the Administrator, fiscal year 1944, for administrative expenses of said Public Works Administration, including personal services in the District of Columbia. Work relief in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: The funds made available for administrative expenses in the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1943, for work relief in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are hereby continued available until June 30, 1944. Public Buildings Administration: For an additional amount for salaries and expenses, public buildings and grounds outside the District of Columbia, fiscal year 1944, including the objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1944, $2,920,000. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation Mortgage Company is authorized and directed to transfer to the Public Buildings Admin- istration for and on behalf of the United States Government, without reimbursement, that parcel of land located at 100 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California, together with all improvements thereon and appertaining thereto. Public Roads Administration: For the payment of claims for dam- age to roads and highways under section 10 of the Deense Highway Act of 1941 (23 U.S.C. ), as mended by theAct ofJuly 1, 194, Relocation contracts with private physi- cians and dentists. Condition. Local contribution. Ant, p. 507. Newspapers and pe- riodicals. Ante, p. 176 . 52 Stat. 816 . Ante, p. 541 . Ante, p. 177. Transerof land. S uSt.7.p S U. a. 0., SOpp. I 110.a AW4 P. SU