Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/655

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mustered into service for the War with Spain, and who were held in service in the Philippine Islands after the ratification of the treaty 4sta. . o. 54 sta. 1. of peace, April 11, 1899", approved May 2, 1940 (Public Law Num- s86e. bered 505, Seventy-sixth Congress), and which have been certified to the Seventy-eighth Congress under section 2 of the Act of July 7, 23 Stat. 254 . 1884 (U. S. C., title 5, sec. 266), under the War Department in Senate Document Numbered 118 and House Document Numbered 317, $3,217.92. TITLE III-GENERAL PROVISIONS Travel outside U. . SEC. 301. Appropriations for the executive departments and inde- pendent establishments for the fiscal year 1944 available for travel expenses shall be available for the payment of per diem allowances in lieu of subsistence expenses without regard to the Subsistence 44 Stat.68s Expense Act of 1926, as amended (5 U. S. C . 821-833), to civilian 5823. ' p. officers and employees of such departments and establishments while traveling on official business outside the continental limits of the United States and away from their designated posts of duty: Pro- Allowances. vided, That the amount of such allowances shall be determined by the head of the department or independent establishment concerned or by such official as he may designate for the purpose, but shall in no case, notwithstanding any other provision of law, exceed the maxi- mum established by regulations prescribed by the President for the war and Navy D- locality in which the travel is performed: Provided further, That the tions. p r availability of appropriations of the War and Navy Departments with respect to the foregoing shall not be restricted thereby. Travel onU. . SEc. 302. The provision of law prescribing the use of vessels of psUnited States registry by employees of the Government traveling 49 Stat. 2015. overseas (46 U. S . C . 1241) shall not apply to such travel during the fiscal year 1944. Tramvel privte SEC. 303. Appropriations of the executive departments and inde- pendent establishments for the fiscal year 1944 shall be available for reimbursement at not to exceed 5 cents per mile to personnel serving without compensation from the United States for expenses of travel performed by them in privately owned automobiles away from their designated posts of duty, and not to exceed 3 cents per mile for such travel within the limits of their official stations. sonnel stationed SEC. 304. Appropriations of the executive departments and inde- abroad. pendent establishments for the fiscal year 1944, available for expenses of travel, are hereby made available (1) for allowances for living and quarters in accordance with Standardized Regulations prescribed by the President for civilian officers and employees of the Government temporarily stationed in foreign countries, and (2) for living quarters 46sStat. 818. allowances in accordance with the Act of June 26, 1930 (5 U. S . C. 118a), and regulations prescribed thereunder, and cost of living allow- ances in accordance with the Act of February 23, 1931, as amended 46 Stat. 1209. (22 U. S. C. 12), and regulations prescribed thereunder, for all civilian officers and employees of the Government permanently stationed in War, Nave, and foreign countries: Provided, That the availability of appropriations appropriations, of the Departments of War, Navy, and State, except the appropriation cooperation with the American republics, for any of the above-men- tioned objects shall not be affected hereby. rmy insignia. SEC. 305. No funds heretofore or hereafter appropriated for the War Department shall be used directly or indirectly for or devoted to the purpose of the cancelation of existing certificates of authority with respect to the manufacture and distribution of Army insignia and no such funds shall be used directly or indirectly either to enforce or announce the provisions of order AR 600-90, as amended, or any amended or similar or comparable order or regulation restricting the [57 STAT. 642 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 380 -DEC. 23, 1943