Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/658

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INDEX Agricultural Land Resources, appropria- Page tion for conservation, etc

416 Agricultural Marketing Administration, transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations------- 253 , 255 Agricultural Research Administration. See under Agriculture, Department of. Agricultural Subsidies, restriction on use of funds for payment of---------- 152, 353 Agricultural War Relations, Office for, appropriation for------------------ 443 Agriculture, Census of, appropriation for_ 620 Agriculture, Department of. See also Agriculture, Secretary of; Farmers. Agricultural research, allotments to States, etc., for ----------------- 400 Aliens, employment of--------------- 429 Animal Industry, Bureau of- Cattle tick eradication, limitation on purchases --

--- - 402 Destroyed animals, indemnity for_ 401, 403 Apple production estimates, restriction on----------------------------- 398 Appropriation Act, 1944-------------- 392 Appropriation for- Agricultural and Industrial Chemis- try, Bureau of-------------- 408, 443 Agricultural Chemistry and Engi- neering, Bureau of. See Agri- cultural and Industrial Chemis- try, Bureau of, supra. Agricultural commodities, exporta- tion and domestic consumption_ 420 Agricultural Economics, Bureau of- 397, 443 Agricultural land resources, conser- vation and use of ------------- 416 Agricultural Research Administra- tion ---------------------- 399, 443 Agricultural War Relations, Office for- 443 Animal Industry, Bureau of ----- 400, 443 Arid and semiarid areas, water facil- ities ------------------------ 420 Audited claims-... 35, 39, 548, 551, 634, 638 Beltsville Research Center --------- 401. 405, 410, 444 Central services ------------------ 393 Commodity Credit Corporation__ - 416, 444 Dairy Industry, Bureau of--------- 403 Damage claims.-------------- 33, 545, 632 Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of ---------- 26, 405, 437, 443 Experiment Stations, Office of---- 399, 443 Extension Service ---------- _-- ._- - 396 Farm Credit Administration-------- 423 Crop production and harvesting loans---------------------- 424 Federal Farm Mortgage Corpora- tion --------------------- _ 425 Salaries and expenses ------------ 423 Farm Tenant Act ------ 420, 427, 428 444 Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Federal Crop Insurance Act ------- Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation_ Flood damages, loans to farmers-- Food Distribution Administration. See War Food Administration, Page 418 425 542 infra. Food Production Administration. See War Food Administration, infra. Foreign Agricultural Relations, Of- fice of--------------------- 398, 443 Forest roads and trails ------------- 415 Forest Service -------------- 26, 410, 444 Farm and other private forestry co- operation------------------- 414 Forest-fire cooperation - _--- -- - 413, 444 Lands for national forests, acquisi- tion of --------------------- 414 Salaries and expenses ---------- 410, 444 Human Nutrition and Home Eco- nomics, Bureau of----------- 409, 443 Information, Office of-------------- 394 Land utilization and retirement of submarginal land ----------- 420, 444 Library ----------------------- 395, 443 Loans, grants, and rural rehabilita- tion--------------------- 425,619 Marketing Service -------------- 420 , 444 Overtime or other pay increases ---- 443 Parity payments ----------------- 417 Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricul- tural Engineering, Bureau of- 403, 443 Printing and binding ---------- __ -- 395 Production Control Committees, In- ternational _- ---- ----- ---- ---_ 398 Regional research laboratories.---- 409 Rubber project, emergency--------- 415 Rural Electrification Administration_ 423 Rural rehabilitation ------------- 425, 619 Salaries and expenses ------------ 392, 443 School milk and lunch program .-- 420 Secretary, Office of ------------- 392, 443 Soil Conservation Service -------- 418, 444 Solicitor, Office of----------------- 394 Special Research Fund ----------- 399 Sugar Act of 1937--------------- 418 War Food Administration- Farm labor, supply and distribu- tion of ----------------- 70 Extension ---------- _----_ 643 Farm tenancy - .. . . ---- - 427 Food Distribution Administration, administrative expenses ------ 443 Food Production Administration, administrative expenses ----- 443 Rural rehabilitation and grants to needy farmers------------- 425 , 619 Salaries and expenses ----------- 415