Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/667

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INDEX Boston, Mass., appropriation for pneu- Page matic-tube service ------.---------. 268 Botanic Garden: Appropriation for ------ ... __----- - 233, 441 Nursery stock, distribution by congres- sional allotment, restriction ---- __ _ 234 Boulder Canyon Project: Appropriation for construction, etc - _ _ 438, 445, 475 Boulder City School District, reim- bursement for instruction - -. - -. _ 476 Boulder Dam National Recreational Area, Ariz. - Nev., appropriation for-------. 486 Boundary Lines, Interstate: Approval of compacts establishing- Indiana-Kentucky __----_--------- 248 Iowa-Nebraska ------- __- -- -__ _---- 494 Brand Names, amendment of Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 with respect to nonrestriction, etc ------ _------_ 566 Bridges: Construction of, authorized across- Anacostia River, D. C ---___--____ Calcasieu River, at Lake Charles, La_ Columbia River, Clatsop County, Oreg----_------------------ Mississippi River, at Brooklyn Cen- ter, Minn--_____-__-___---_- Missouri River, at Garrison, N. Dak_ Rehabilitation, funds available for----- Time extended for bridging- Mississippi River, at Memphis, Tenn_ St. Croix River, at Hudson, Wis --- Toll bridges- Acquisition of, in war effort----..... Payments to States making bridges 340 160 73 572 370 562 163 161 563 free------------------------ 562 Brooklyn Center, Minn., bridge authorized across Mississippi River at--------- 572 Browning, Mont., appropriation for sup- port of Indian museums ---------- _ 464 Bruceton, Pa., appropriation for buildings and grounds, Bureau of Mines ------ 481 Bryson City, N. C., clerk of U. S. District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of..-----------. 241 Buchanan, Charles A., appropriation for payment of claim----------------- 625 Budget, Bureau of the: Appropriation for---------------- 170, 613 Government employees, determination of number required; release of ex- cess employees------------------ 78 Bureau of International Telecommunica- tion Union, Radio Section, appropria- tion for contribution --------------- 278 Bureau of Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International Arbitra- tion, appropriation for contribution - 278 Butter Substitutes: Purchase authorized for- St. Elizabeths Hospital.___________. Veterans' Administration facilities __ Restriction on purchase of, by War Department -------- . ........ Page 520 25 353 C Calcasieu River, bridge authorized across, at Lake Charles, La -__--_----.... 160 California: Appropriation for- Central Valley project, construction_ 476 Indians- Irrigation projects ------- _ 460, 461, 463 Support, etc --------- 445, 465 , 467, 468 King's Canyon National Park ---- - 486 Klamath project- Construction _-----------------_ 474 Operation and maintenance------- 473 Lassen National Forest, road main- tenance __--------__-___.--.. 486 Lassen Volcanic National Park------ 486 Marine school, maintenance ----- __ 535 Moffett Field, Ames Aeronautical Laboratory --------------- 183, 618 Parker Dam power project, operation and maintenance -------------- 473 Sacramento River, flood control----- 96 Sequoia National Park..-- _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 486 Stanislaus National Forest, road maintenance -.--------------- 486 Yosemite National Park __- --- --- 486 Yuma project, operation and mainte- nance..-------. -- _-. . .- 473 Death Valley National Monument, ex- change of lands - -..... ..-------. 389 San Diego, conveyance of land to -... 13 Sequoia National Park, addition of lands----------------------.--- 606 California D6bris Commission, appropria- tion for-------------------------- 94 Canada: International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada and Alaska and Canada, appropriation for--------.----------------- 230 War workers, migration of, funds con- tinued available ------- _ ------- - 643 Canal Zone. See also Panama Canal. Appropriation for- Civil government---------------- 98, 448 Maintenance, etc------------------ 97 Retirement and disability fund ----- 173 Sanitation--.- --- _ --- ---- --- 98, 448 Citizenship requirements, employees -- 98, 215, 367 Navy Department- Hours of employment and rates of pay of skilled, etc., personnel__ 215 XI 15:59, 21 June 2016 (UTC)- . , . ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ... . .. .