Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/672

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Colon, Republic of Panama-Continued. Page Lands of Panama Railroad Company, conveyance of certain, to Republic of Panama -- __--

75 Water and sewerage systems, transfer of, to Republic of Panama ------- 74 Colorado: Appropriation for- Colorado-Big Thompson project- Construction ----- _ ------- ------ 476 Operation and maintenance------ 473 Indians- Irrigation projects--------------- 460 Support, etc------------------ 467, 468 Oil and gas conservation, consent of Congress granted to interstate compact concerning-------------- 383 Republican River, interstate compact for division of waters; consent of Congress --------------------- 86 Enactment of provisions--_ -- -_ _ -- - 91 Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colo.: Appropriation for- Construction ------ _----------- - 476 Operation and maintenance ----_ --- 473 Colorado River Dam Fund, appropriation for------------------------ 438 ,445 ,475 Colorado River Development Fund, appro- priation for ----------------------- 475 Colorado River Hospital, Ariz., appro- priation for ---------------------- 467 Colorado River Indian Reservation, Ariz.: Appropriation for- Irrigation system---__-- -------- 445, 461 Support, etc --------------------- 468 Colorado River Protection Works, appro- priation for ..-- - - -- - 475 Columbia Basin Project, Wash., transfer of funds to reclamation fund for opera- tion, maintenance, etc------------- 473 Columbia Basin Project Act ------- --- 14 Administration ...-------------- 18, 20 Applicants, qualifications of - _- - - - -- - - - 18 Appraisals and reappraisals --------- _ 14 Appropriation authorized------------- 19 Authorization of project-------------- 14 Columbia Basin Land Development Account -

----- ----- ---- ----

19 Consideration in contracts or convey- ances ----------------------- 16, 18 Contracts- District ------------------------ 17 Landowners _ -

_---- - Repayment --


__--- Covenants running with the land------ Definitions ---- _-- ------ Excess land---------

Expenditure of funds, prerequisites to-- Farm units ----


16 15, 17 17 16 16 14 15 Columbia Basin Project Act-Continued. Page Grand Coulee Dam project, redesigna- tion ------------------------- 14 Irrigation blocks ------------------- 15 Public lands of State, sale of---------- 20 Publication of plats ----------------- 15 Ratification, etc., by State---------- - 20 Recording of instruments, etc--------- 17 Repayment ------------------------ 15 Revenues- _ __ _ ---

--- ---

-- - 19 Separability of provisions------------- 20 Taxation of lands ------------------ 19 Water delivery, restrictions on-------- 15 Columbia Institution for the Deaf, appro- priation for


442, 499 Columbia River, bridge authorized across, Clatsop County, Oreg-------------- 73 Columbus, Miss., appropriation for ground rent, Federal building


___- -__ 176 Colville Hospital, Wash. , appropriation for -- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- -- 467 Colville Indians, Wash., appropriation for support, etc --- --------------- 445, 469 Colville Irrigation Project, Wash. , appro- priation for----___-__--__-_____.. 461 Combined Food Board, appropriation for_ 398 Comit6 International du Bois, appropria- tion for contribution -------------- 413 Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., appropriation for------------------------------- 349 Commerce, Department of: Appropriation Act, 1944------------ 290 Appropriation for- Audited claims---- 36 , 39, 548 , 551, 635 , 639 Census, Bureau of the ------ 292, 444, 620 Civil Aeronautics, Office of Adminis- trator of---------- 80, 293, 444, 620 Civil Aeronautics Board ----------- 295 Damage claims ------------------ 632 Coast and Geodetic Survey_ 26, 295, 444, 620 Contingent.expenses--------------- 290 Damage claims ------------- 33, 545, 632 Export-Import Bank of Washington_ 291 Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau of-------------------- 297 Judgments-----------------_ _ _ _ 34, 546 Loan agencies, administrative ex- penses-------------------- - 291 National Inventors Council Service Staff -------------.------- 291 Overtime or other pay increases---- 444 Patent Office -------------------- 298 Printing and binding ---- __

_ 291, 620 Reconstruction Finance Corporation_ 292 Salaries ----------- _--------- 290, 444 Secretary, Office of - ----- _ 290, 444 , 620 Standards, National Bureau of --- 298, 444 Traveling expenses -------.----- 290, 620 Weather Bureau- ------- 27, 300. 444 . 620 XVI INDEX " "