Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/674

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Communications Commission, Federal. Page See Federal Communications Com- mission. Community Facilities, War Public Works: Appropriation authorized ------------ 565 Appropriation for ------------------- 540 Restrictions on use of funds ---------- 565 Community War Services, appropriation for--------------------

511 Compacts. See Interstate Compacts. Comptroller General. See also General Accounting Office. Retirement fund records in Civil Serv- ice Commission, study of central- ization of----------------------- 614 Comptroller of the Currency, Office of. See under Treasury Department. Conciliation Commissioners: Appropriation for- Labor, Department of-------- 28, 446, 495 United States Courts-------------- 438 Conciliation Service, certification of ex- istence of war labor disputes -------- 166 Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Mont., appropriation for compensa- tion and expenses of attorneys ------- 470 Conferences, Expositions, etc. See also International Obligations. Appropriation for- Pan American Child Congress, Eighth_ 629 Thomas Jefferson Bicentennial Com- mission _--------------------- 5 National Agricultural Jefferson Bicen- tenary Committee, creation and or- ganization ---------------------- 695 Congress. See also House of Representa- tives; Legislative Branch of the Gov- ernment; Senate. Interstate compacts, consent granted to- Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, entrance into compact- -. Indiana-Kentucky boundary line - -- Iowa-Nebraska boundary line --.---- Oil and gas conservation ----...... Republican River, division of waters_ Members of, interest in certain con- tracts ----

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Reports to be submitted to, by/on- Agriculture, Department of, grants to States and coordination of re- search------__ ___- ............ Alaska Communication .System, im- provements, etc....---------- Budget, Bureau of the, determination of number of Government em- ployees required -------...... Colorado River Dam Fund, expendi- tures for Boulder City--------- 86 248 494 383 86 277 400 94 78 476 Congress-Continued. Page Reports to be submitted to, by/on- Continued. Comptroller General, study of cen- tralization of retirement fund rec- ords -------------- --- --- 614 District of Columbia, use of certain funds for repairs to municipal buildings ------------------- 322 District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act- Administration and operation----- 118 Administrative expenses --------- 120 Economic Warfare, Board of, limita- tions on use of sums for special projects ---------------------- 523 Education and training, defense workers---------------------- 504 Emergency Management, limitations on use of sums for special projects_ 536 Geological Survey, interchange of appropriations ------__--____- 479 Gorgas Memorial Laboratory ------ 278 Government employees, determina- tion of number required -----_- 78 Highways, express, survey of need for--------------------------- 561 Home Owners' Loan Corporation, liquidation plan and progress re- port- ----------------------- 186 Indian Affairs, Bureau of-- Alaska, expenditures for relief of destitution in ---.. ..--- -- __ 466 Boarding schools, nonreservation, interchange of funds --------- 466 Fire prevention, diversion of funds for -------------- -.- --.- - 468 Hospitals and sanatoria, inter- change of funds ...--------- 467 Replacement of property destroyed by fire, etc., diversion of funds_ 457 Internal-revenue collections, refunds in excess of $500 ------------ 268 Justice, Department of, employment of special attorneys ------------ 285 National Archives, disposal of Gov- ernment records------------- 381, 382 National Housing Agency, transfer of funds------------------------ 185 National Park Service, transfer of funds for forest-fire prevention, etc -- -

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_____-_ Navy Department- Public-works projects, acquisition of land--................. Ship repair facilities, acquisition of land -------------------- Penalty mail, use by Government departments-----............. 487 52 3 270 INDEX XVIII