Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/681

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INDEX Deficiency Appropriations, 1943, Urgent- Page Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Federal Security Agency- Continued. Freedmen's Hospital -------- _-__ 442 Howard University --_- ..__- _ 434, 442 Public Health Service___ 79, 433, 442, 443 St. Elizabeths Hospital ---------- 443 Social Security Board -----. -_- __ 443 Federal Works Agency ____ - __ _- 434, 443 Public Buildings Administration___ 434, 443 Public Works Administration -_ _ 443 Independent offices --- _ --- 79, 433, 442 Interior, Department of the ----- 437, 444 Bituminous Coal Division-_ __ _ _ -- 437 General Land Office ------ ____- 444 Geological Survey ------.- _ 438, 444 Grazing Service -------------- __ 444 Indian Affairs, Bureau of 437, 444 , 445 Mines, Bureau of .. 445 Puerto Rican hurricane relief--. 438 Reclamation, Bureau of - - - _ 437, 445 Secretary, Office of _ _.. .- 437, 444 Solicitor, Office of. --- _-___. 444 Territories, government in.----_ 438, 445 Interstate Commerce Commission-_ 79, 442 Judiciary - ------------ - _ ----- 441 Justice, Department of__ __... 438, 446 Administrative Division. __. 446 Assistant Solicitor General, Office of - -- - - . Assistant to the Attorney General, Office of . - . Attorney General, Office of- Bailiffs--------- .- Conciliation commissioners, U. courts, fees and expenses__ Criminal Division - - .. District attorneys, etc --- - Federal Bureau of Investigation 446 446 438 439, 446 S. 438 . 446 439, 446 446 Immigration and Naturalization Service----------- .. . 446 Iands Division----- ----... 439, 446 Marshals-------------- ---- 439, 446 Miscellaneous salaries and ex- penses, field-----


446 Pardon Attorney, Office of ------ 446 Penal and correctional institu- tions ---------- . 439, 446 Probation system, U. S . courts_ Traveling expenses -------------- Labor, Department of ------------ Children's Bureau--------------- Conciliation, commissioners of --- Labor Standards, Division of ---- Labor Statistics, Bureau of------- Safety and health program ------ Secretary, Office of ------------ Solicitor, Office of------------ 438 439 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 446 XXV Deficiency Appropriations, 1943, Urgent- Page Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Labor, Department of-Continued. Women's Bureau -- _ -----_ - 446 Legislative Branch of the Govern- ment----------- 4,79,431,441 Architect of the Capitol -------- 432, 441 Botanic Garden .-- __-----_____ 441 Capitol Police ---- _______-_-__- 441 Government Printing Office------- 441 House of Representatives----- 4, 432, 441 Library of Congress

__- 441 Printing, Joint Committee on ..-- 441 Senate------------- - -- 4, 79, 431 , 441 Maritime Commission___________ 442 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ------------------ 442 National Gallery of Art------------ 442 National Labor Relations Board - __ 442 National Mediation Board -- - -- 442 National Railroad Adjustment Board_ 442 National Resources Planning Board- _ 441 Overtime and other pay increases 436, 440 Agriculture, Department of- 443 Commerce, Department of----- _ 444 District of Columbia ---------- 436, 448 Federal Security Agency ----- _ 442 Federal Works Agency-

443 Independent establishments ------ 442 Interior, Department of the------ 444 Judiciary ..- ---- - -

____ 441 Justice, Department of - .-.-- 4__ - 446 Labor, Department of-- _ _ _ -- - _- 446 Legislative Branch of the Govern- ment . -. 4,441 Post Office Department. 446 President, Executive Office of the.. 441 State, Department of- _ 447 Treasury Department - . 447 War Department, civil functions 448 Post Office Department_ 439,446 Accounts, Bureau of- .. - 447 Budget and Administrative Plan- ning, Office of -- --- -. 446 Chief Inspector, Office of- -- 439, 447 First Assistant Postmaster General, Office of ------- .-- - - 446,447 Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office of - - --- Postmaster General, Office of - - - Public buildings, maintenance and operation ------ _ _. ... ... ... 447 446 447 Purchasing Agent, Office of------- 447 Second Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office of--------- 439, 446 . 447 Solicitor, Office of--------------- 447 Third Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, Office of ----------- . 440, 447