XXVIII District of Columbia-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Park police ---------------------- Park roads, maintenance of------- Parks, Federal ------------------- Parole, Board of Indeterminate Sen- tence and ----------- Paving assessments, refund of -,-- Policemen and firemen's relief ----- Potomac River Basin, Interstate Commission on, contribution to_ Potomac River bridges, improvement of approaches to___ - - - - Poundmaster, Office of --- Printing and binding ---- Public assistance ------ Public convenience stations_ Public Library - -__.-- -. Public schools ------------ Administration ------ Page 337 342 488 316 436 326 320 --- 341
313,436 ..--- 317,434
313 -- --- 319,448 321,436, 448 321, 436, 448 Auxiliary educational services ---- Buildings and equipment, main- tenance, etc --_- -- __ __ __ -_ - Capital outlay- -- ___________ ___ Grounds, permanent improvement 323 322 323 of ------------------------ 323 Operating expenses - _ __ _ _ - 321, 436, 448 Science laboratories, maintenance_ 323 Supervision and instruction, gen- eral--------_ - ____ _- - __- 322,436 Teachers' retirement appropriated fund ---------- .-- __-_____ 323 Vocational education, George-Deen program-__-_-
__- 322 Public Utilities Commission _______ 315 Public welfare _- _ _ 329, 435, 449, 541 Board of Public Welfare ... 329 Public Works Administration, repay- ment of loan ------- _- ----- ---_ 319 Purchasing Division ----------- 313, 448 Recreation Board ------------ _---_ 436 Recreation Department ----- ____ 325 Reformatory -----------. ___ 331,435 , 449 Refuse, collection and disposal_ 79, 320, 448 Rent Control, Office of Administrator of .----- _______.....-- .__ 316,448 St. Ann's Infant Asylum and Mater- nity Hospital ----------- __ 335 St. Elizabeths Hospital -.-- ___ __ 335,541 Sewers ------------------ _- _____. 320 Sharfsin, Joseph, payment to -- __- - - 434 Street improvements ----------- 339, 449 Anacostia River, bridge across --- 340 Potomac River bridges, improve- ment of approaches to ---- _ _ . 341 Surveyor's Office ---------.-- ____ 315 Tax Appeals, Board of --------- _ 313, 448 Temporary home for former soldiers and sailors ----------. ---. 334 Traffic control --------- _-------- 338 District of Columbia-CUontinued. Appropriation for-Continued. Treasury Department, repayment of Page loan------------------------- 319 Tuberculosis Hospital ------------- 328 Vehicles and Traffic, Departmentof_ 338, 436 Vocational education, George-Deen program ------
322 Vocational rehabilitation, authorized_ 379 Appropriation for ---- 336, 502, 536, 616 Washington aqueducts and acces- sories ----------------- 343,437,449 Washington Home for Incurables__ - 328 Washington National Airport----- 294, 444 Water Department-------------- 343, 619 Weights, Measures, and Markets, Office of Superintendent of ---- 314 Wills, Register of ----------- 316,448 Workhouse and reformatory - 331, 435, 449 Zoning Commission -------------- 315 Zoological Park, National ------- 337, 449 Asphalt plant, purchase authorized_ -- 340 Assessments, special, for laying of curbs and gutters ------- _------------- 83 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co.. set- tlement of claims against, author- ized
. .--------
Black-outs, coordination of nonprotec- tive volunteer civilian services --- Citizenship requirement, employees --- Civilian defense, coordination of nonpro- tective volunteer services -_--__- Congressional tags, issuance of-------- Construction and engineering work, special services authorized, limi- tations --- _ 341 560 346 560 346 344 Courts- Jury commissioners, compensation_ 242 Juvenile Court, psychiatric service__ 329 Municipal Court for the District of Columbia, deposits for jury trials 329 United States, division of expendi- tures ---------__ -_ __ __ ... ... 240 Curbs and gutters, special assessments for laying of ------------___- 83 Defense, coordination of nonprotective volunteer civilian services ---- _- _ 560 Delinquent tax list, advertising of ---- 317 District Attorney, U. S., division of expenditures for office of _______ 290 Division of expenses - -. _ 26, 79, 437, 542, 619 Education, Board of, temporary pay increases for employees---- __ - -- _ 57 Appropriation for ---------------- 436 Employees- Merchant marine, compensation or credit for leave on entering serv- ice ----
---------- --
_ 163 Oaths of office, renewals----------- _ 591 INDEX ~ "