Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/706

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Labor, Department of-Continued. Page Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after -- __--------------------- 519 Wage and Hour Division, transfer of funds of----------------------- 498 War labor disputes, notice of --------- 167 Labor, Secretary of. See Labor, Depart- ment of. Labor Board. See National War Labor Board. Labor Disputes: Agreements between management and labor, notice requirement--------- 515 War Labor Disputes Act. See separate title. Labor-Federal Security Appropriation Act, 1944----------------------------- 494 Labor Organization, International, appro- priation for contribution --------- _ 30, 278 Labor Relations Board, National. See National Labor Relations Board. Labor Standards, Division of. See under Labor, Department of. Labor Statistics, Bureau of. See under Labor, Department of. Lake Charles, La., bridge authorized across Calcasieu River at-- ------- _ 160 Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho, Naval Training Station, appropriation for ---- 54, 199, 218 Lake Seneca, N. Y. , Naval Training Sta- tion, appropriation for -- _-- -------_ 199 Land Banks, Federal: Loans to farmers, time extension- ---- 196 Payments to, on account of reductions in interest rate on mortgages--.. 251 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations ------. 255 Land-Grant Colleges: Agriculture and mechanic arts, colleges of, endowment---. 501 Farm labor, supply and distribution of, expenditure of funds for----.---- 70 Extension -------------- _-- ------ 643 Land Office, General. See General Land Office under Interior, Department of the. Land Utilization and Retirement of Sub- marginal Land, appropriation for__ 420, 444 Lander, Wyo., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of --------------- 241 Landing Areas and Airports, appropriation for development of-_ -- -- --- --- -- 294, 621 Lands. See Public Lands. Langley Field, Va., appropriation for con- struction and equipment ----- 25, 183 , 618 Langley Memorial Aeronautical Labora- tory, appropriation for------------- 183 Lansburgh and Brother, D. C. , permission Page for construction of pipe lines for steam-heating purposes ----------- 576 Lassen National Forest, appropriation for road maintenance----------------- 486 Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif., ap- propriation for---------------- 486 Latin America. See American Republics. Leadville, Colo., appropriation for drain- age tunnel for mining land---------- 484 Lease-Lend Act. See Lend-Lease Act. Lee Mansion, appropriation for--------- 488 Legal Examiners, Board of, prohibition on use of funds for ------------------ 173 Legislative Branch of the Government. See also Congress; House of Repre- sentatives; Senate. Appropriation Act, 1944 ___ -- -- -- - -- 220 Appropriation for- Appropriations, preparation of state- ments of -------------------- 231 Architect of the Capitol- _ 231, 432 , 441, 538 Audited claims ------------ 35, 634 , 638 Botanic Garden --------------- 233, 441 Capitol buildings and grounds------ 232, 432, 441, 538 Capitol Police ----------- -- 230, 441 , 612 Federal Expenditures, Committee on- 538 Government Printing Office ------ 21, 237,441, 538 Superintendent of Documents, Office of ------.. _- 238,441 House of Representatives----------- 4, 21, 225, 432, 441, 537, 612 Bennett, Philip A., payment to widow of .. _.


__- 21 Chaplain -


_-_ __ -- 225 Clerk, Office of --------.-------- 225 Clerk hire . ..- --.- ____. - 229, 441 Committee employees --------- _ 226 Committee stenographers ------.- 228 Contested-election expenses---- 612 Contingent expenses- _ 4, 21 , 229, 432, 612 Creal, Edward W. , payment to widow of ------------------- 612 Culkin, Francis D., payment to widow of ------------------- 612 Debates, official reporters of------ 228 Doorkeeper, Office of--------- 227, 432 Englebright, Harry L., payment to widow of------------------- 537 Guyer, U. S., payment to widow of_ 537 Post Office---- ------.-------- _ 228 Salaries and mileage------- 225, 441, 612 Sergeant at Arms, Office of--_ . -- 227 Speaker, Office of --------------- 225 Speaker's Table ----------------- 225 Special and minority employees- - 228 Legislative Counsel, Office of - .- -- - - 231 L INDEX