Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/715

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Naval Academy--Continued. Midshipmen- Appointments, effect on, of redistrict- ing of Congressional districts-- Service considered active service for purposes of veterans' laws ---- _ Travel allowance. -.--- ---- Swordsmanship and physical training, limitation on number of instructors- Naval Air Transport Service, per diem rates of allowance --.------- __-___ Naval Appropriation Act, 1943: Title IV --

--... --

_ Title V- _---- -----.- -.------ --- Naval Appropriation Act, 1944 -_ __ __ __ __ Naval Appropriations, 1942, Additional -- Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942, Amend- ments: Payment on death of officer - ___ ___ __ Uniform allowances to officers------- Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa., appro- priation for---------- ________ _____ Naval Hospitals: Expansion of facilities for hospitaliza- tion of dependents, etc.; appropria- tion authorized -- _

Maintenance, etc., appropriations au- Page 383 556 203 200 204 52 218 197 218 574 573 200 80 Naval Training Stations, appropriation Page for __---------.----____--_ 53, 199, 218 Naval Vessels. See also Vessels. Appropriation for- IDamage claims ----- 29, 542 , 616, 626, 627 Increase and replacement ___ . 55, 209, 627 Auxiliary, acquisition or construction authorized -----.------._- _ _ _ _ 156, 604 Appropriation authorized-----_ _ _ 157, 604 Appropriation for____________ -209, 627 Floating drydocks- Appropriation authorized ---------- 3 Contracts authorized _ ------ -----_ _ 55 Appropriation for __-- -- -- -- -- - 55, 210 Landing craft and district craft, acquisi- tion or construction authorized___ 92, 604 Appropriation authorized------ _ -- 92, 604 Appropriation for _-_-.___.__ 209, 627 Repair facilities- Appropriation authorized- ___ .-- _.. 3 Contracts authorized ------------- 55 Appropriation for ------------- 55, 210 Repairs and alterations, authority to exceed statutory limit ----------- _ 216 Transfer of, to certain foreign govern- ments-------------------------- 4 Naval War College, appropriation for-_ - 53, 198 Navigation. See Seamen; Vessels. Navigation, Permanent International Com- mission of the Congresses of, appro- priation for


95 Navy. See also Naval Vessels; Navy De- partment. Accounting procedure, changes in ---- 152 Aerial flights, increased pay for, restric- tions -------------------------- 202 Articles for the Government of, exten- sion of jurisdiction in time of war or emergency--------------- _ -_ _ 41 Clothing allowance on discharge for bad conduct, etc------------------- _ 202 Increase.

_ --------. . 628 Coast Guard. See separate title. Commissary privileges, extension to cer- tain persons-_------------.----- 60 thorized ------------------ _ ---. 152 Trust fund, abolishment of----------- 152 Naval Mine Depot Reservation, Yorktown, Va., conveyance to State of portion of- 573 Naval Observatory, appropriation for__ 213, 214 Naval Personnel, Bureau of. See under Navy Department. Naval Petroleum Reserves, appropriation for operation and conservation__ _

198 Naval Records of World War, appropria- tion for preparation of------------- 213 Naval Research Laboratory: Appropriation for------------------ 53, 198 Construction authorized ------------- 52 Naval Reserve. See under Navy. Naval Reserve Act of 1938, Amendments: Uniform allowance to certain officers recalled to active duty----------- 575 Women's Reserve- Allowances and benefits ------------ 587 Officers, military authority of------ 586 Ranks and ratings ---- ..

586 Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps: Appropriation for ------------- --- 199 Uniforms, etc. , furnishing from surplus stocks ----


Naval Stations, detail of postal employees to ---. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .--- Naval Stores, procurement and sale of__- Naval Stores Act, appropriation to effect provisions of ------------------- Naval-Stores Investigations, appropria- tion for-------------------------- 199 391 60 422 409 Commodore, establishment of rank and grade; temporary appointments-- Courts martial, extension of jurisdic- tion in time of war or emergency-- Damage claims, settlement of- Foreign countries, damages in _- -_- Personal property losses, etc-------- Funds available - ------------ State highway departments -----..- Appropriation for __--- -------- _ Deceased personnel, settlement of ac- counts___ -- .-- ---------- ---- Dependents- Family allowances for ----------- Hiring of quarters for, restriction ---- 60 41 66 582 583 561 617 583 577 202 INDEX LIX