Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/720

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Ordnance, Bureau of. See under Navy Page Department. Oregon: Appropriation for- Bonneville Dam, construction of power plant ------------------ 96 Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands_ 444 , 456 Deschutes project, construction_____ 474 Indians- Irrigation projects - - 445, 461, 462, 463 Support, etc-------- 445, 465 , 467,468 Klamath project- Construction_ ---. ___ ---- --__ __ 474 Operation and maintenance ------- 473 Oregon and California Railroad grant lands---------------------- 444,456 Owyhee project, operation and main- tenance __----- -_---- -----_ __ 473 Vale project, operation and mainte- nance

__--- 437 Clatsop County, bridge authorized across Columbia River __________ 73 North Slough. construction of dam and dike authorized.--



581 Organized Reserves, Army: Appropriation for------------------- 362 Medical Reserve Corps, care of Veter- ans' Administration beneficiaries, pay, etc.------------------..- _ _ 362 Pensioners, etc., restriction on use of funds for pay of ----_ _-- ---_-- -_ . 362 Osage Indians, Okla.: Appropriation for- Attorney, employment of ----------- 622 Education ------------_ _ _ _ _ _ .--- _ 464 Expenses ..----------------- ____- 445, 470 Osann, Herman E., payment to-- ____. . 547 Overtime Compensation: Appropriation for Agriculture, Department of --.----. 443 Commerce, Department of_-------_ 444 District of Columbia --------------- 448 Federal Security Agency ---------- _ 442 Federal Works Agency ------------- 443 Independent establishments ------ _ 442 Interior, Department of the ------ _ 444 Judiciary


____ _____- 441 Justice, Department of------------ _ 446 Labor, Department of -------- ____ 446 Legislative Branch of the Govern- ment - --- _----------

___ 4,441 Post Office Department -------- ___ 446 President, Executive Office of the --- 441 State, Department of-------------- 447 Treasury Department-------------- 447 Customs, Bureau of------------- 256 War Department ----------------- _ 448 Government employees- Additional pay in lieu of overtime pay- 76 Senate official reporters ---------- 77 Overtime Compensation-Continued. Government employees-Continued. Basis of payment --------------- Compensatory time - __ _ _ -- --_ -_ -- Personnel included _ ---_ --__ ___ ___ Rules and regulations --_-____ ___-- Waiver of restrictions on amounts avail- able for personal services _ -- Owyhee Project, Oreg., appropriation for operation and maintenance ---- Oysters: Claims against United States by growers; limitation- -_________ ______ Removal from polluted waters, York River and Queen Creek, Va ------ Page 76 76 75 77 449 473 553 585 P Pacific Ocean, appropriation for coastal surveys ---------------.- _- _____ - 295 Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, In- ternational, appropriation for----- 281, 629 Packers and Stockyards Act: Appropriation to effect provisions of -_ 422 Bonds from agencies and dealers------ 422 Suspension of registrants -_---_____- - 422 Paiute Indians, Nev., appropriation for reclamation charges against certain lands of ------- ___ ___ ____ __ - ____ 462 Pala Irrigation Project, Calif., appropria- tion for. ------- ----- --- -- _______ 460 Pan American Child Congress, Eighth, appropriation for ------- ___ ____ ___ 629 Pan-American Highway, Convention on the, appropriation for fulfillment of U. S. obligations -_-----____- - 179, 540 Pan American Institute of Geography and History, appropriation for contribu- tion-- ..... ... ___..-____._-.- 278 Pan American Sanitary Bureau, appro- priation for contribution ---------- 278 Pan American Union, appropriation for contribution - ----------- -_ -- __-_ 278 Panama: Appropriation for Government of------ 278 Chorrera-Rio Hato Highway, liquida- tion of obligation, etc., appropria- tion authorized ------------- ___ _ 75 Appropriation for .-- -- _ ____ ____ 544 Citizens of, employment on Canal Zone, restrictions, etc .----- __.__ 98, 215, 367 Conveyances to, authorized- Panama Railroad Co., certain lands of ..- -... -- . Water and sewerage systems, certain- Panama, Republic of Panama: Appropriation for waterworks, sewers, etc- . ... .-- ___ _ ___ Lands of Panama Railroad Company, conveyance of certain to Republic of Panama--- ------ ____- ___ __- 75 74 98 75 LXIV INDEX