Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 1.djvu/745

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LXXXIX War Manpower Commission-Con. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Training within industry .... 441, 519, 614 Time limitation on use of certain funds.._ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ 52( Emergency Management, Office for, applicability of general provisions__ 519 Employment office facilities and serv- ices- Employees, payment for designated leave ---------------------- _ 517 Salary restrictions -------- ___ ____ - 518 Transfer of funds to Social Security Board----.--_____.________- 517 Migration of Mexican or Canadian nationals, funds continued avail- able -----. . ... .--- -

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643 Overthrow of U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating----------- _____ ______ 519 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after --------------------------- 519 War Material. See Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War. War Mobilization, Office of, appropriation for............_----------------- 532 War Overtime Pay Act of 1943 ------- . 75 Additional pay in lieu of overtime pay-_ 76 Senate official reporters -----.- ____- 77 Adjustment of inequities in pay rates__ 77 Appropriations for pay increases au- thorized by_ _ 440 Army Transportation Corps, compen- sation of civilian employees on U. S. vessels . . 78 Basis of payment- 76 Coast and Geodetic Survey, vessel em- ployees, compensation of---- --- 78 Compensatory time---- - ____- __ _- 76 Duration-------- - - -- __ 78 Employees, determination of number required; release of excess em- ployees ------ -------_- - 78 House of Representatives, rearrange- ment of salary schedules of certain employees -- _ _ .__ __- -__ ___ 77 Pensions and retired pay, effect on, of overtime or additional compensa- tion----------_ __ _- __ ._ ___ __ ___ 78 Personnel included .-- __---__--__._. 75 Prior laws, payment under_ . . -- -- . -_ _ - 77 Rules and regulations --- ___---___.- 77 Saturday half holiday, suspension - ___ 77 War Production Board: Appropriation for -_ ---------- 432, 442, 532 Judgments---------------------. 633 Smaller War Plants Corporation---- 533 War Production Board-Continued. Page Farm machinery and equipment dam- aged by floods, allocations and priorities authorized ---- . .---- 521 Silver, sale or lease for war purposes, recommendation required-------- 520 Travel expenses, funds available for___ 614 War Production Stoppages. See War Labor Disputes Act. War Public Works: Appropriation authorized------------- 565 Appropriation for_______________ 540 Restrictions on use of funds - ___-- __ 565 War Relief, Foreign, appropriation for___ 432 War Relocation Authority: Appropriation for-__________ __ 22, 533 Damage claims -------------- _ 545, 632 War-Risk Hazards, benefits to certain employees taken prisoner, etc --- ___ 626 War-Risk Insurance, Marine. See Ma- rine and War-Risk Insurance. War Services, Community, appropria- tion for -------------------------- 511 War Shipping Administration: Administrative expenses, funds avail- able for . --.--- __--_ _____-- 534, 614 Appropriation for----------------- 433, 534 Maritime training fund ---------- 535 Revolving fund ---- _____- -_ ____ 534 State Marine Schools - - ---- --- 535 Authority, transfer of, from Maritime Commission . 51 Fishing vessels, return to private ownership .. _. 69 Freight refunlds, frustrated voynages--s 68 Insurance, imarine andl war-risk 47, 50, 51 Merchant marine, reemiiploylnllnt rights of persons entering service in----- 162 Naval vessels, approval by Navy De- partment: transfer --------------- 156 Ownership exemptions, etc., to United States --- .. .----

_ 51 Payments of taxes, fees, etc. , to United States ------------------------. 47 Requisitioning, etc., of vessels- Fishing vessels, return to private ownership ----- _-------------_ 69 Insurance and reinsurance --------- 51 Payment of compensation and claims- 48 Seamen- Merchant sailors, service insignia and medals ------------------ 81 Rights and benefits.. ___-_-_-___-_ 45 Appropriation for relief, protec- tion, etc-------------------- 629 Duration _--_-------_---------_- 51 Vocational rehabilitation ----------- 379 Transfer of funds to other agencies for operation of vessels-..-------.... 536 INDEX I' " ^ ` ' "