Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/10

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LIST OF PROCLAMATIONS CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME No. 2575 Capture of prizes --. ___________ .


2576 Red Cross Month, 1943 -------....-------------- 2577 I Am An American Day, 1943-_ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ... 2578 Jackson Hole National Monument, Wyo., establishment and con- trol-... _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . . 2579 Cancer Control Month, 1943 _._ .. -. ---. __ ________--

2580 Child Health Day, 1943----_ _ _ _ _ _ --.--- _________-- 2581 Army Day, 1943 - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _- 2582 Capture ofprizes-___-_____-_________._____.. . . 2583 National Maritime Day, 1943----________________________&_ - 2584 Wheat and wheat flour, suspension of quotas on certain imports _ 2585 Mother's Day, 1943 ..--. ......... 2586 Flag Day, 1943 -------- .-- ___________________________ 2587 Olympic National Park, Wash., lands added ------ _-__--.___.-- 2588 Michigan, law observance in ------- _----____________________- 2589 Migratory birds, amendments of regulations relating to---------- 2590 Third War Loan Drive -------------------------------.... 2591 Huron, Manistee, Ottawa, Marquette, and Hiawatha National. Forests, Mich., enlargement-----.------ _ -- -- - -- 2592 Fire Prevention Week, 1943------------------- 2593 St. Clair Migratory Waterfowl Closed Area, Mich-........... - 2594 Capture of prizes -- __- - ______ ___. _ .. -- - -- - - - - 2595 Columbus Day, 1943----------------........-..-.........- 2596 Migratory birds, amendments of regulations relating to--------- 2597 Extra registration---------------------- 2598 Armistice Day, 1943 -- --

. .

__ -- ,--------------------- 2599 Merchandise in general-order and bonded warehouses ----------- 2600 Thanksgiving Day, 1943------------------------------ 2601 Capture of prizes--------------------------------------

2602 Day of Prayer--------


Date Jan. 30 , 1943-- Feb. 23, 1943___ Mar. 12, 1943_- - Mar. 15 , 1943-_ _ Mar. 22, 1943__- Mar. 25 , 1943-__ Mar. 26, 1943___ Apr. 1 , 1943__- Apr. 24 , 1943--_ Apr. 29, 1943___ Apr. 30 , 1943--- May 3, 1943___ May 29, 1943__ - June 21, 1943__ - July 16, 1943- __ July 26,1943- __ July 29,1943___ Aug. 30, 1943__ Sept. 21 , 1943--- Sept. 27,1943___ Oct. 5 , 1943--- Oct. 9 , 1943--- Oct. 26, 1943 -- - Oct. 29, 1943_- - Nov. 4 , 1943___ Nov. 11, 1943- __ Nov. 28, 1943- __ Dec. 3 , 1943__- xiii Page 729 730 731 731 734 735 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 756 758 258 760 761 762