Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/13

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XViii LIST OF INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES Executive Agreement e Series 357 Nicaragua. Plantation rubber investigations------------------------------------ 1212 358 Honduras. Plantation rubber investigations.........................

1220 359 Panama. Lease of defense sites .---- ---------- ---- 1232 360 China. Jurisdiction over criminal offenses committed by armed forces --------------- 1248 361 Iran. Military mission


1262 362 Canada. Access to Alaska Highway .--

--.----- ---- - 1274 363 Peru. Detail of military adviser to Remount Service of Peruvian Army ---------- 1276 364 Mexico. Plantation rubber investigations --- ---- - .- -- 1278 365 Panama. Inter-American Highway- -- ---- 1298 366 Canada. Waiver of claims arising as a result of collisions between vessels of war --- 1301 367 El Salvador. Health and sanitation program -

1303 368 Nicaragua. Health and sanitation program -------

1307 369 Colombia. Health and sanitation program --------------- 1310 370 Brazil. Mobilization of productive resources of Brazil--- . --. -

1314 371 Brazil. Rubber production

1318 372 Brazil. Health and sanitation program ------------ - - ---- --- 1322 373 Brazil. Health and sanitation program --------------- 1325 374 Brazil. Health and sanitation program------------------- 1333 375 Brazil. Health and sanitation program----------------- 1338 376 Mexico. Recruiting of Mexican non-agricultural workers- _

1353 377 Canada. Temporary raising of levels of Lake St. Francis -_ ---

1366 378 Haiti. Finances

1368 379 Ecuador. Health and sanitation program -

1370 380 Canada. Southern terminus of Alaska Highway-------------

1373 381 Canada. Flight strips along Alaska Highway ----------------- 1375 382 Canada. Haines-Champagne section of Alaska Highway

1377 383 Canada. Importation privileges for government officials and employees---------- 1379 384 Multilateral. Wheat----------------------------------------- 1382 385 Peru. Establishment of Inter-American Cooperative Food Production Service in Peru_ 1405 386 Canada. Establishment of Canol Project------------------------------------ 1413 387 Canada. Canol Project pipe line -----


1416 388 Canada. Canoi Project exploratory wells

1418 389 Canada. Canol Project areas --- - --

1420 390 Canada. Lease of White Pass and Yukon railway.--- - -

1423 391 Canada. Post-war disposition of defense installations and facilities------------------ 1429