Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/203

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57 STAT.] MEXICO-RECIPROCAL TRADE-DEC. 23 , 1942 tation, exportation, sale, distri- bution or production of any article or grants exclusive privileges to any agency to import, export, sell, distribute or produce any article, the commerce of the other country shall be accorded fair and equi- table treatment in respect of the foreign purchases or sales of such agency. To this end such agency shall, in making its foreign pur- chases or sales of any article, be influenced solely by considera- tions, such as price, quality, mar- ketability, transportation and terms of purchase or sale, which would ordinarily be taken into account by a private commercial enterprise interested solely in pur- chasing or selling such article on the most favorable terms. 2. The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Mexican States, in the awarding of contracts for public works and generally in the purchase of sup- plies, shall accord fair and equi- table treatment to the commerce of the other country as compared with the treatment accorded to the commerce of any third country. ARTICLE VI 1. Laws, regulations of admin- istrative authorities and decisions of administrative or judicial au- thorities of the United States of America and the United Mexican States, respectively, pertaining to the classification of articles for customs purposes or to rates of duty shall be published promptly in such a manner as to enable traders to become acquainted with portaci6n, venta, distribuci6n o producci6n de cualquier articulo u otorga privilegios exclusivos a cualquiera agencia para importar, exportar, vender, distribuir o pro- ducir cualquier articulo, se con- ceder& al comercio del otro pais un tratamiento justo y equitativo con respecto a las compras o ventas en el extranjero de dicha agencia. A ese efecto dicha agencia, al efectuar sus compras o ventas de cualquier articulo en el extranjero, se guiara unicamente por consideraciones tales como precio, calidad, posibi- lidades de compra-venta, trans- porte y condiciones de compra o venta, que habitualmente tomaria en cuenta una empresa comercial privada solamente interesada en comprar o vender tal articulo en las condiciones m&s favorables. 2. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, a] adjudicar contratos para obras publicas y, en general, en la adqui- sici6n de materiales, concederh un tratamicnto justo y equitativo al comercio del otro pais en compara- ci6n con el tratanieint o que conce- da al comercio do cualquier tercer pals. ARTICULO VI 1. Las leyes, los reglamentos de autoridades administrativas y las decisiones de autoridades admin- istrativas o judiciales de los Esta- dos Unidos de America y de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, res- pectivamente, relativos a la clasi- ficaci6n de articulos para fines aduanales o a cuotas arancelarias, seran publicados sin demora de tal manera que permita a los comer- Public-works con- tracts, etc. Laws, regulations. and decisions. 839