Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/250

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886 701 Dried blood albumen, light 702 Sheep and lambs 711 Live birds, not specially provided for, valued at $5 or less each: Bobwhite quail 714 Horses, unless imported for immediate slaugh- ter, valued at not more than $150 per head 714 Mules, unless imported for immediate slaugh- ter, valued at not more than $150 per head 715 Live asses and burros, not specially provided for 716 Honey 717(a) Fish, fresh or frozen (whether or not packed in ice), whole, or beheaded or eviscer- ated or both, but not further advanced (except that the fins may be removed): White sea bass or totoaba 717(c) Fish, dried and unsalted: Shark fins 730 Mixed feeds, consisting of an admixture of grains or grain products with oil cake, oil-cake meal, molasses, or other feed- stuffs 736 Edible berries (except blueberries), prepared or preserved, but not frozen and not in brine and not dried, desiccated, or evaporated 743 Limes, in their natural state, or in brine 746 Mangoes 747 Pineapples: In bulk Not in bulk 752 752 Fruits in their natural state, not specially provided for: Watermelons Guavas, prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for 61perlb. $1.50 per head 25¢ each $15 per head $15 per head 7%% ad valorem 1%¢ per lb. f per lb. %4 per lb. 5% ad valorem 172% ad valorem 10 per lb. 7Y2 per lb. lo0~ each 35¢ per crate of 2.45 cu. ft. 20% ad valorem 17%%ad valorem INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. SCHEDULE II-Continued. Tariff Act of 1930 Description of Article Rate of Duty Paragraph And provided further, That during the life of this Agreement, the provisions of this item shall supersede the tariff quota limitations on cattle established pursuant to items 701 of Schedule II of the trade agreement entered into between the United States of America and Canada on November 17, 1938. 53 Stat. 2382