Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/266

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902 Tariff Act of 1930 Paragraph Description of Article Rate of Duty 202(a) Earthen floor and wall tiles, glazed or un- glazed, however provided for in para- graph 202(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (except ceramic mosaic tiles, quarries or quarry tiles, and tiles wholly or in part of cement): Valued at not more than 40 cents per square foot Valued at more than 40 cents per square foot: Glazed clay Other 217 Bottles, vials, jars, ampoules, and covered or uncovered demijohns, and carboys, any of the foregoing, wholly or in chief value of glass, unfilled, not specially provided for: If holding more than 1 pint If holding not more than 1 pint and not less than one-fourth of 1 pint If holding less than one-fourth of 1 pint 397 Articles or wares not specially provided for, if composed wholly or in chief value of silver 411 Baskets and bags, wholly or in chief value of bamboo, wood, straw, papier-mache, palm leaf, or compositions of wood, not specially provided for 5S per sq. ft., but not less than 25% nor more than 35% ad valorem 30% ad valorem 30% ad valorem %¢ per lb. SY4per lb. 250 per gross 32%% ad valorem 25% ad valorem INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. SCHEDULE III NOTE: The provisions of this Schedule shall be construed and given the same effect, and the application of collateral provisions of the customs laws of the United States to the provisions of this Schedule shall be determined, in so far as may be practicable, as if each provision of this Schedule appeared respectively in the statutory provision noted in the column at the left of the respective descrip- tions of articles. In the case of any article enumerated in this Schedule, which is subject on the day of the signature of this Agreement to any additional or separate ordinary customs duty, whether or not imposed under the statutory provision noted in the column at the left of the respective description of the article, such separate or additional duty shall continue in force, subject to any reduction indicated in this Schedule or hereafter provided for, until terminated in accordance with law, but shall not be increased.