Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/274

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. Agreement between the United States of America and the Dominican Republic respecting a naval mission. Signed at Washington January 25, 1943; effective January 25, 1943. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOV- ( ERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINI- CAN REPUBLIC In conformity with the request of the Government of the Do- minican Republic to the Govern- ment of the United States of America, the President of the United States of America has authorized the appointment of officers and enlisted men to con- stitute a Naval Mission to the Dominican Republic under the conditions specified below: TITLE I Purpose and Duration AwIt'cr(L: . 'The purpose of this Mission is to coolperate with the Ministry of War and Marine of the Dominican Republic with the object of increasing and per- fecting the efficiency of the Do- minican Coast Guard and Do- minican Aviation and in the vari- ous subjects correlated with both. ARTICLE 2. This Mission shall continue for a period of four years from the date of the signing of this Agreement by the accredited rep- resentatives of the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Do- minican Republic, unless previ- ously terminated or extended as hereinafter provided. Any mem- ber of the Mission may be recalled by the Government of the United States of America after the expira- CONVENIO ENTRE EL GOBIERNO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Y EL GOBIERNO DE LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA De conformidad con la solicitud del Gobierno de la RepAblica Do- minicana al Gobierno de los Es- tados Unidos de Am6rica, el Pre- sidente de los Estados Unidos de America ha autorizado el nombra- miento de oficiales y personal sub- alterno para constituir una Misi6n Naval en la Repfiblica Domini- cana, bajo las condiciones que se estipulan a continuaci6n: TfTULO I Objeto y Duraci6n AnITfiCIrL 1. El objeto de esta Misi6n es cooprar con el Minis- terio de Guerra y Marina de la Repdblica Dominicana, con el prop6sito de aumentar y perfec- cionar la eficiencia de los cuerpos de Guardacostas y de Aviaci6n dominicanos y los varios asuntos relacionados con los mismos. ARTfCULO 2. Esta Misi6n con- tinuara por un periodo de cuatro aflos, a partir de la fecha en que suscriban este Convenio los repre- sentantes acreditados del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Am6ri- ca y del Gobierno de la Repdblica Dominicana, a menos que se de por terminada antes o que se prorrogue en la forma que se esta- blece mis adelante. Cualquier miembro de la Misi6n podra ser retirado por el Gobierno de los January 25, 1943 [E. A. S.312]