Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/295

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57 STAT.] CANADA, GREAT BRITAIN-INDUSTRIAL DIAMONDS-MAR. 26, 1943 931 Agreement between the United States of America, Canada, and the March 26, 1943 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland respecting E. A.S .317j industrial diamonds. Signed at London March 26, 1943; effective March 26, 1943. And exchange of notes. The Government of the United States of America, the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland considering that it is desirable, as a precaution against the adverse fortunes of war, to create a reserve of industrial diamonds upon the North American Continent, for possible needs of the United Nations, have agreed as follows:- ARTICLE 1. Statement of Principle. The contracting Governments intend that the normal consumption requirements of the various nations shall be met currently from mine production and from stocks in the United Kingdom and various pro- ducing countries, and that the reserve hereinafter provided for shall not be drawn upon except under the conditions stated in this agreement. ARTICLE 2. Size of Reserve. The reserve shall contain a minimum quantity of 11,500,000 carats of diamonds suitable for the uses specified in Appendix I and con- 'co,'t. 93

taining so far as possible the quantities in the various sizes specified under those uses. ARTICLE 3. Composition of Reserve. The Government of the United Kingdom will take such steps as are practicable for the reserve to be established by the transfer to Canada of stocks of diamonds held by diamond producing companies and by the Diamond Corporation in the quantities and of the descriptions set forth in Appendix II. Appendix II also sets forth the quantities Post, P.936 . of diamonds of the various use classifications and sizes which it is estimated will be found in the total quantities to be transferred by each company. ARTICLE 4. Transfer of Reserve. Transfer of the reserve shall begin as soon as possible after the date of signature of this agreement. The Government of the United Kingdom will use its best efforts to ensure transfer at a rate of 600,000 carats per week, but single shipments shall not exceed 300,000 carats each. The quantities so transferred shall be kept in safe keeping in