Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/297

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57 STAT.] CANADA, GREAT BRITAIN-INDUSTRIAL DIAMONDS-MAR. 26, 1943 from African stocks or production. The Government of the United Kingdom shall, under such circumstances, formally assure the Govern- ment of the United States of the reasons and need for such withdrawal. C. Withdrawalfor CanadianRequirements. If the stocks in Canada of industrial diamonds of any of the descrip- tions mentioned in Appendix IV fall at any time below the quantity of Pot, p. 937. that description consumed in Canada during the preceding six months the Government of Canada may notify the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States that a shortage of industrial diamonds of that description exists. If the shortage of that description is not met either by delivery from the United States or from the United Kingdom within 90 days of the date of notification then the Government of the United Kingdom shall withdraw from the reserve for requirements in Canada such quantities of diamonds as are required to remove the shortage. D. Withdrawalsfor other United Nations Requirements. Withdrawals for the requirements of other United Nations may be made after consultation between appropriate representatives of the Government of the United States and the Government of the United Kingdom. E. Combined Raw Materials Board. The provisions of this Article are subject to any action which may be required as the result of decisions by the Combined Raw Materials Board. ARTICLE 7. Prices of Material Withdrawn and Expenses of Transfer. Industrial diamonds withdrawn from the United Nations reserve shall be withdrawn at United States dollar prices for comparable material (converted from Sterling at the official rate at the date of sulch withdrawal) ruling on the 30th June, 1942, to which prices may be added reasonable amounts to cover the proportion of the cost of the establishment, maintenance and liquidation of the United Nations reserve attributable to the diamonds withdrawn. Provided that if the ceiling prices of industrial diamonds in the United States are raised, the prices ruling on the 30th June, 1942, and chargeable hereunder may be raised by the same percentage as the percentage increase or in- creases in such ceiling prices. Since it is probable that the United Nations reserve will include certain quantities of cuttable material not normally employed for industrial purposes but suitable therefor, the Government of the United Kingdom will, in the event of an emergency requiring the use of such cuttable material, employ its best efforts to furnish this material to the United Nations at reasonable prices reflect- ing the utility of the material and its cost of production for industrial purposes and not its value as gem stones. All expenses of the transfer of diamonds to North America for the United Nations reserve and of the maintenance, sorting and liquidation of the reserve including indemnity for any loss or damage to the diamonds shall be advanced in equal proportion by the Government of 81077--44-PT . II 19 933