Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/314

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950 Stipulations to be agreed to by co- belligerent country. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. ities of the cobelligerent nation for determination of acceptability. Upon receipt of notification that an individual is acceptable and also receipt of the necessary travel and meal vouchers from the cobelligerent government involved, the appropriate State Director of the Selective Service System will direct the local Selective Service Board having jurisdiction in the case to send the individual to a designated recep- tion point for induction into active service in the armed forces of the cobelligerent country. If upon arrival it is found that the individual is not acceptable to the armed forces of the cobelligerent country, he shall be liable for immediate induction into the armed forces of the United States. Before the above-mentioned procedure will be made effective with respect to a cobelligerent country, this Department wishes to receive from the diplomatic representative in Washington of that country a note stating that his government desires to avail itself of the procedure and in so doing agrees that: (a) No threat or compulsion of any nature will be exercised by his government to induce any person in the United States to enlist in the forces of any foreign government; (b) Reciprocal treatment will be granted to American citizens by his government; that is, prior to induction in the armed forces of his government they will be granted the opportunity of electing to serve in the armed forces of the United States in substantially the same manner as outlined above. Furthermore, his government shall agree to inform all American citizens serving in its armed forces or former American citizens who may have lost their citi- zenship as a result of having taken an oath of allegiance on enlist- ment in such armed forces and who are now serving in those forces that they may transfer to the armed forces of the United States provided they desire to do so and provided they are accept- able to the armed forces of the United States. The arrangements for effecting such transfers are to be worked out by the appropriate representatives of the armed forces of the respective governments. (c) No enlistments will be accepted in the United States by his government of American citizens subject to registration or of aliens of any nationality who have declared their intention of becoming American citizens and are subject to registration. This Government is prepared to make the proposed regime effective immediately with respect to the Kingdom of Norway upon the receipt from you of a note stating that your Government desires to participate in it and agrees to the stipulations set forth in lettered paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) above. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. SUMNER WELLES Acting Secretary of State The Honorable WU;BE:M MUNTHE DE MORGENSTIEBNE, Minister of Norway.