Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/340

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Effective date; du- ration. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. "IV. Nationals of either country who under the immigration laws of the other country are technical residents of that country known as 'border crossers' shall for military service purposes be considered residents of the country in which they actually live.

  • "V. Officials and employees of either country residing in the

other whose official status has been notified to the Government of the country in which they are residing and accepted by that Government shall not be considered for military service purposes as residents of the country in which they are residing. "VI. Each Government in so far as necessities imposed by the war effort permit will furnish the other Government with infor- mation concerning its nationals who have registered for or been inducted into the military service. "VII. Nationals of either country serving in the armed forces of the other country shall receive the same treatment and have equal opportunities with respect to commissions, promotions and other incidents of military service as are accorded by that country in conformity with military law and practice to its nationals. "VIII. Representatives of either Government shall have the right to assist their nationals serving in the military forces of the other in all matters relating to their welfare including but not limited to the payment of pensions, gratuities, indemnities or other benefits to them or their dependents wherever the latter may be resident. "IX. Nationals of each country who have been registered for or inducted into the Army of the other country in accordance with the military service laws of the latter and who have not declared their intention to acquire the citizenship of the country in which they reside shall upon being designated by the country of which they are nationals and with their consent be released for military service in its forces provided that this has no prej- udicial effect on the common war effort. The procedure for the transportation and turning over of these persons will be agreed upon by the appropriate authorities of the two countries who are empowered to bring about the objectives desired. "X. The understandings in the foregoing arrangement shall be in effect as of today for the duration of the present war and six months thereafter. "Should the Government of the United States of America be in agreement with the foregoing text I consider that your affirma- tive reply to the present note shall be sufficient for the arrange- ment to enter immediately into effect. "I take this occasion to reiterate my very high consideration. E. Padilla (Signed)"