Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/389

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1025 57 STAT.] GREAT BRITAIN-AFRICAN ASBESTOS-APR. 30, 1943 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 6TH JANUARY, 1943. 1. Statement of Principle The Government of the United States of America and the Govern- ment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland agree so to regulate the importation of African asbestos and take such other practicable steps as to apportion supplies in accordance with the following principles:- (a) Where 1943 production is adequate supplies will be so appor- tioned as to enable each of the Governments to create, by 1st January, 1944, stocks (whether privately or publicly owned) of each grade of asbestos equivalent to one year's consumption. (b) Where 1943 production of a particular kind of asbestos is inadequate to achieve this objective, the apportionment of available supplies shall be made with reference to the relative importance to the war production programmes of the respective Governments of the uses of that asbestos. It is agreed, therefore, that the require- ments of H.M .G . in U.K . for supplies of blue M.S . and S. asbestos shall be given prior consideration and, conversely, that requirements of the U.S .G . for supplies of amosite shall be given prior consideration. (c) Necessary requirements of the other friendly nations for raw African asbestos fibre (as stated in the Appendices) shall be met to the extent of available supplies. (d) When, as a result of inadequate supplies, the requirements of either Government are not fully met in any grade, such Government may, at its option and in agreement with the other Government, secure equivalent quantities of other grades by way of replacement for its reserve, if there are available surpluses after essential war require- ments have been met. (e) Any surpluses of available 1943 supplies remlaining after meeting the stock-pile objectives of U.S.G . and Il.M .G . after meeting the necessary requirements of other nations and after providing for such additional quantities as may be secured by the respective Govern- ments pursuant to sub-paragraph (d) above shall be apportioned between the U.S.G . and H.M.G . in U.K . in proportion to the esti- mated consumption in the U.S. and the U.K . (f) Available supplies in 1944 and thereafter shall be apportioned between the U.S .G. and H.M .G. in U.K. in proportion to the esti- mated consumption in the U.S. and the U.K. after allowing for quantities in stock or estimated to be in stock at 31st December, 1943, and allowing for the'necessary requirements of friendly nations. (g) The nominal requirements of the U.S.G. for blue A and C asbestos shall be met in full in 1943. (h) In apportioning the various types of chrysotile asbestos within any particular grade (as for example in apportioning quantities of C. and G.2, H.V.L.2. and V.R .A .2 consideration shall be given to the