Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/483

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57 STAT.] DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-HEALTH AND SANITATION-- J une .10 9 43 1119 July 7, 1943 operative program of health and sanitation in the Dominican Republic, such sum to be made available through the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. The United States Government will also provide a group of technicians in public health to cooperate with the officials of the Government of the Dominican Republic in the execution of the proposed program of health and sanitation. It is understood that the Government of the Dominican Republic will furnish such personnel, services and funds for local expenditures as it may consider necessary for the efficient development of the program. It is further understood that a special cooperative service of health and sanitation will be established within the Department of State for Health and Public Welfare, and that the detailed arrangements for the establishment of such a special service will be effected by agreement between the appropriate official of the Government of the Dominican Republic and the repre- sentative of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. Allocation of United States funds for the purpose of this program will be made by the Institute of Inter-American Affairs which is an agency of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter- American Affairs. Detailed arrangements for the execution of each project and for the expenditure of United States funds will be made by mutual agreement between a representative of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs in the Dominican Republic and the appropriate official of the Government of the Dominican Republic. It is understood that the sum not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) contributed by the Government of the United States for execution of the cooperative program of health and sanitation in the I)ominican Iteplublic will bl exlpenled in accordance with nutual nagreelments bletween the a )lppropiate official of the Government of the Iominican Republic and a representative of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs in the Dominican Republic. All projects completed in the prosecution of this program will be the property of the Government of the Dominican Republic. No project will be undertaken that will require materials or supplies, the procurement of which would handicap any phase of the war effort. I should appreciate it if Your Excellency would be so good as to confirm to me your approval of this general proposal with the understanding that the details of the program will be the subject of further discussion and agreements. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration.