Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/485

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37 STAT.] MEXICO-HEALTH AND SANITATION- Ju O, 1943 1121 July 1, 1943 June 30 and July 1, Agreement between the United States of America and MeAico respecting a 1943 health and sanitation program. Effected by exchange of notes signed [E. A. S.347] at Mexico City June 30 and July 1, 1943. The American Ambassador to the Mexican Minister of ForeignAffairs EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 1426 Mexico, D.F., June 30, 1943 EXCELLENCY: Your Excellency will recall that the representatives of the twenty- one American Republics at the Third Consultative Conference held in Rio de Janeiro in January, 1942, adopted Resolution No. 30 recom- mending that health and sanitation problems of the Western Hemi- sphere be resolved-so far as possible-by means of bi-lateral or multi- lateral agreements of an international character. This Resolution, to which our Governments gave decided support, is significant evidence of the importance which the American Repub- lics attribute to collaboration as the most effective method of resolving problems of common interest. Of singular importance among these problems, especially in the case of neighboring countries, are those referred to in the Rio de Janeiro Resolution just mentioned, since it is evident that health and sanitary conditions must necessarily affect both Republics. Fortunately the relations between the United States and Mexico are characterized by a sincere cordiality and by well-defined purposes of cooperation, evidenced, among other manifestations, by the author- ization which Mexico has given for workers of Mexican nationality to render service in various states of the United States during the present emergency. It therefore appears natural that there should be added to this cooperation that other so wisely foreseen by the Republics of this Continent, especially since the tasks to be undertaken are of a long- term nature and cannot be resolved in the course of a few years alone. In view of the foregoing, I take pleasure in informing Your Excel- lency that my Government is prepared to collaborate with that of Your Excellency, in a program looking to the development of health and sanitary conditions in Mexico. To this end, it is prepared to supply an amount of Two million five hundred thousand dollars, to be expended, together with the sums which the Mexican Govern- ment may set aside and disburse as its equitable contribution to this enterprise, in the extension and maintenance of the services and of the measures of a sanitary nature, which the dependencies of the Government of Mexico have so efficiently been conducting.