Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/547

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57 ST'lA. I OMtIINICAN RIPI't lI. IC--WORKAMEN'S COMPENSAT'ION-OCT. 14 , 19, 1943 1183 (lle el riesgo que corran dichos obreros est6 debidamente cubierto en virtud de las disposiciones legales de los Estados Unidos de America. En tal sentido y habida cuenta de que las disposiciones legales sobre esta materia tienen caracter de orden publico en la legislaci6n dominicana, mi Gobierno promete al Gobierno de Vuestra Sehioria que dara los pasos conducentes a una reforma legislativa que haga posible el acuerdo convenido por este medio. Valgome de esta oportunidad para renovar a Vuestra Senforia las seguridades de mi mas distinguida consideraci6n, M PENA BATLLE A Su Sefioria ROBERT NEWBEGIN Encargado de Negocios a.i. de los Estados Unidos de America, Su Embajada. [Translation] DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DEPARTMENT OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS CIUDAD TRUJILLO, DISTRICT OF SANTO DOMINGO, 21702 October 19, 194S MR. CHARGE D'AFFAIRES: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note 141 of October 14, 1943, in which the Embassy, in the name of the Govern- ment of the United States, transmits to the Dominican Government the request quoted below in Spanish translation: [Here follows the text of note 141 of October 14, 1943 from the American Charge d'Affaires ad interim to the Dominican Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.] In this connectioa I take pleasure in informing you that the Dominican Government approves, in principle, the inapplicability of Dominican legislation on labor accident insurance in cases con- cerning laborers of American nationality working in the Dominican Republic, employed by contractors likewise of American nationality under the Government of the United States of America, so long as the risks run by said workmen are properly covered by the laws of the United States of America. In this respect and taking into consideration that the legal pro- visions covering this subject are of a statutory nature in Dominican law, my Government promises your Government that it will take the necessary steps toward effecting a legislative amendment which will make possible the agreement reached in this manner. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my most distinguished consideration. M PERA BATLLE The Honorable ROBERT NEWBEGIN Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the United States of America, Embassy.