Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/590

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1226 Rubber-propaga- tion and experiment station. Laboratory and field investigations. Laboratory and of- fice space and housing for employees. Station superintend- ent, etc. Provision for two scientists. Planting rlaterrial. Distribution of su- lprior strains of rub- her tree. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. of the said United States for investigation of sources of crude rubber in the Western Hemisphere, does hereby agree: (a) To establish in Honduras a rubber-propagation and experi- ment station from which high-yielding strains may be distributed to cooperators in Honduras and other potential rubber-producing countries in Latin America. (b) To conduct laboratory and field investigations, and to make the results available for the benefit of the industry in Honduras and throughout Latin America. Problems for inves- tigation may include tests of high-yielding strains of the Hevea rubber tree from any source for their performance on local soils, artificial pollination for breeding of improved strains, methods of land clearing, planting, use of inter-planted crops, ground covers, and other investigations for the advancement of the industry. (c) To provide at its expense any necessary laboratory and office space and housing for employees at the aforementioned experiment station, and to equip said buildings and lands with all facilities required for the propagation of rubber and the in- vestigation of problems of plantation rubber production in Honduras. (d) To supply a station superintendent and such other in- vestigators and rubber specialists as may be necessary to conduct the investigations herein contemplated, together with such over- seers of labor as may be necessary to carry on the work properly. (e) To welcome and provide free of charge necessary office space at such station for two scientists who, at its option the Ministerio de Fomento, Agricultura y Trabajo may delegate to said station to conduct, on the basis of strict equality, cooperative investigations with the specialists of the Department of Agricul- ture of the United States, or for the purpose of becoming in- formed on the techniques of the rubber industry. The salaries, living accomodations, transportation, and other expenses of such scientists shall be furnished by the Ministerio de Fomento, Agricultura y Trabajo. (f) To furnish planting material and supervise, in cooperation with the Honduras representatives, the establishment of practical field plantings to demonstrate all phases of plantation rubber production. (g) To furnish to the Ministerio de Fomento, Agricultura y Trabajo free of charge f. o. b. at its station in Honduras or else- where, stocks of superior strains of the rubber tree now in its possession, and any additional superior strains collected on sur- veys or bred at its experiment station in Honduras and elsewhere, which after test by it are found to be superior; such distributions to be at as early a date and in such quantity as may be possible with the facilities available for propagation and in view of the equitable demands or requirements of other cooperating agencies.