Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/596

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. May 18, 1942 [E. A. S. 359] Agreement between the United States of America and Panamarespecting the lease of defense sites. Signed at Panamd May 18, 1942; effective May 11, 1943. And exchanges of notes. AGREEMENT FOR THE LEASE OF DEFENSE SITES IN THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. The undersigned, Octavio Fabrega, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Panama, and Edwin C. Wilson, Ambassador of the United States of America, acting on behalf of our respective Govern- ments, for which we are duly and legally authorized, have concluded the following Agreement: Protection of Pana- maP Canal. fna The Governments of the Republic of Panama and of the United States of America, conscious of their joint obligation, as expressed in the provisions of the General Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, tat. I concluded March 2, 1936, to take all measures required for the effec- tive protection of the Panama Canal in which they are jointly and vitally interested, have consulted together and have agreed as follows: ARTICLE I. Temporary use by U. S . of certain lands for defense purposes. Access to sites by authorities of Pana- ma. Right to use of adjacent waters, etc. The Republic of Panama grants to the United States the temporary use for defense purposes of the lands referred to in the Memorandum['] attached to this Agreement and forming an integral part thereof. These lands shall be evacuated and the use thereof by the United States of America shall terminate one year after the date on which the definitive treaty of peace which brings about the end of the present war shall have entered into effect. If within that period the two Governments believe that, in spite of the cessation of hostilities, a state of international insecurity continues to exist which makes vitally necessary the continuation of the use of any of the said defense bases or areas, the two Governments shall again enter into mutual consultation and shall conclude the new agreement which the circum- stances require. The national authorities of the Republic of Panama shall have adequate facilities for access to the defense sites mentioned herein. ARTICLE II. The grant mentioned in the foregoing article shall include the right to use the waters adjacent to the said areas of land and to im- prove and deepen the entrances thereto and the anchorage in such places as well as to perform in/on the said areas of land all the works that may be necessary in connection with the effective protection of ' [Not printed.] 1232