Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/690

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1326 Status and remu- neration of federal officials in Service. Monthly reports. Institute of Inter- American Affairs. Salaries and ex- penses of personnel. Rights and privi- leges. Expenses on rail- roads other than fed- eral, accounting. Exemption of mate- rial from duties. Conditions for work on Amazon Valley. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. CLAUSE FOURTH: Among the duties of the superintendent of the Service are included the hiring and dismissal, decisions regarding remuneration and all other working conditions of the personnel that the Service may need. The effective federal officials utilized in the Service will incur no loss of their public service status but they shall be remunerated from the Service's funds. CLAUSE FIFTH: Besides the information that may be requested by the Minister of Education and Health, monthly reports on the progress of the work of the Service must be sent to said authority and to the Director of the National Health Department. CLAUSE SIXTH: The salaries and all other expenses, including travel, of the personnel of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs shall be paid exclusively from the latter's funds. CLAUSE SEVENTH: The physicians and other officials of the Service shall have postal and telegraphic franking privileges, passes on railroads administered by the Federal Government and the right to rebates allowed to de- partments of the Federal Government by the domestic companies of maritime and river navigation, air travel companies, and the Service may request all such concessions in favor of officials in charge of posts where resident physicians are maintained. The referred to physicians and other authorized officials may also request from the railroads administered by the Federal Government, passages for subordinate personnel on duty, transportation of neces- sary material and telegraphic franking privileges on their private lines. The passages, transportation and telegraphic communications furnished according to requisitions, shall be considered, on the rail- roads administered by the Federal Government as of public interest, and will not constitute expenditure. The expenses arising out of requisitions for passages, transporta- tion and telegraphic communications on railroads other than federal shall be for the account of the funds allocated to the Service by the Federal Government. CLAUSE EIGHTH: The material imported for the work of the Service shall enter in the country free from the payment of any duties, custom-house and others, according to decree-law No. 300, of February 24, 1938, chapter V, article 21, paragraph "C". CLAUSE NINTH: For the immediate work on the Amazon Valley the following con- ditions are established: