Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/715

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1351 57 STAT.] BRAZILI-- ALTH AND SANITATION PROGRAM-NOV. 25 , 1943 Translation by the Department of State of the Foregoing Note MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS Rio DE JANEIRO DAI/DPD/442/512.6(22) November 25, 1943. MR. AMBASSADOR, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of note 1947 of the 9th of this month, in which Your Excellency refers to the notes ex- changed between the Minister of Finance of Brazil and the Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America dated March 14, 1942, and to our conversations about the cooperative program of health and sanitation in Brazil, which was provided for by resolution XXX of the Third Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, which was held in this city in January 1942. Your Excellency makes known that in accordance with the aforesaid notes, the United States of America had already contributed the amount of $5,000,000 in U.S . currency toward the realization of that health and sanitation program, which is at present being carried out in Brazil. 2. Your Excellency communicates to me that, in case the Brazilian Government so desires, the Government of the United States of Amer- ica, through the intermediary of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, an agency of the Office of Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, will contribute an additional amount of $3,000,000 in U.S . currency for the purpose of cooperating with the Brazilian Govern- ment in expanding the program of public health and sanitation, thus contributing the funds necessary for the execution of the program within a five-year period beginning January 1, 1944. 3. Next Your Excellency proposes that the Brazilian Government, which has already contributed the amount of CR $9.000.000,00 toward the cooperative program, shall contribute an additional amount of CR $100.000.000,00 to be expended in the said five-year period together with the funds furnished by the United States of America for the same purpose. 4. Your Excellency adds that the nature of the work and the projects to be carried out, as well as the expenses arising therefrom, could be settled by common agreement of the competent authority of the Brazilian Government, who would be the Minister of Education and Health, and an authorized member of the Institute of Inter- American Affairs acting for the Government of the United States of America. 5. Your Excellency proposes, further, that the funds furnished by the two Governments shall be spent through the agency created within the Ministry of Education and Health, which agency is known as the Special Service of Public Health, and that the additional arrangements for the continuation of the service and execution of the program shall be effected between the competent Brazilian authority and an authorized member of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs acting for the United States of America.