Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/752

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. countries as secondary export quotas in proportion to their basic export quotas. Supplementary ex- 4. If the Council is satisfied that any part of any country's export port quotas. quota or of the allowance made for its exports for any quota-year will not be exported by that country in that quota-year, it shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph 6 of this Article, re-allocate that part as supplementary export quotas to the other exporting countries in ac- cordance with the procedure prescribed in paragraph 3 of this Article for the allocation of secondary export quotas. Should there be no permitted surplus stocks in any of those countries that part shall, unless the Council otherwise decides, be re-allocated as supplementary export quotas to those of the other exporting countries which have percentage export quotas in proportion to those quotas. Right to export full 5. No decisions taken by the Council pursuant to paragraph 4 of this export quota. Article shall prejudice the right of any country to export its full export quota within the quota-year to which it relates. owing to shortage f 6. Should it be shown to the satisfaction of the Council that the shipping. failure of any country to ship any part of its export quota during the first quota-year is due to shortage of shipping, the amount of the sup- plementary export quotas allocated to other countries in respect of such part shall be deducted from the basic export quotas of those countries for the second quota-year and added to the aforementioned country's basic export quota for the second quota-year. Shipment of export 7. No export quota or part thereof shall be exported in any quota- quota during quota- year. year other than that to which it relates, except as otherwise provided in this Article. Should it nevertheless be shown to the satisfaction of the Council that, owing to unavoidable delay in the arrival or depar- ture of ships, part of an export quota had not been shipped at the end of the quota-year that part may be shipped in the following quota- year but shall be deemed to have been shipped in the quota-year to which it relates. Trpa.ii,rRs. etc, o f 8. No export quota or part thereof shall be ceded, transferred or loanied by any country except as provided in this Article or with the ullnainious ap)prov:l of the contracting Governments of exporting countries. por't ll quo i itof x 9. When it appears that any country is approaching the limit of its proilhed. export quota, the Chairman of the Council on the recommendation of the Executive Committee shall request the Government of that country to control loadings for export during the remainder of the quota-year and to telegraph each week to the Council the gross exports and gross imports of wheat and of wheat flour from and into its territories during the preceding week. quota-yearati'xortaf 10. When the Chairman of the Council after consultation with the tion. Executive Committee finds that any country has exported its export quota for any quota-year he shall immediately make a declaration to that effect. The contracting Government of the exporting country concerned shall thereupon announce that the exportation of wheat or flour from its territories will not be permitted after seven days from the date of the Chairman's declaration and the contracting Government 1388