Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/758

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1394 Publication of au- dited statements. Taxation and for- eign-exchange control. Disposal of remain- ing funds. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [57 STAT. the first August-July period for which it is assessed under the pro- visions of paragraph 3 of this Article, but the assessments already made upon other Governments shall remain unaltered. 5. The Council shall publish an audited statement of all moneys received and paid out during the period referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article and during each August-July period thereafter. 6. Consideration shall be given by each contracting Government to the possibility of according to the funds of the Council and to the salaries paid by the Council to its employees who are nationals of other countries treatment in respect of taxation and of foreign ex- change control no less favourable than that accorded by such Gov- ernment to the funds of any other Government and to salaries paid by any other Government to any of its accredited representatives who are its nationals. 7. The Council shall determine the disposal, on the termination of the Agreement, of any funds which remain after meeting its obligations. ARTICLE XI (DATE UPON WHICH THE AGREEMENT COMES INTO FORCE) * ARTICLE XII (DRUATION OF THE AGREEMENT) This Agreement shall remain in force for four years after the last day of the month of July following the date upon which it comes into force. The Council shall inquire of the contracting Governments at least six months before the Agreement is due to expire whether they desire to continue it and shall report to the contracting Governments the results of such inquiry together with its recommendations. ARTCLE XIII (RELATION TO OTHER AGREEMENTS) 1. So long as this Agreement remains in force it shall prevail over any provisions inconsistent therewith which may be contained in any other agreement previously concluded between any of the contracting Governments. 2. Should any contracting Government be party to an agreement with a non-contracting Government containing any provision incon- sistent with this Agreement, that contracting Government shall take all reasonable steps to procure the necessary amendment of such agree- ment at the earliest date which it deems practicable. ARTICLE XIV (ACCESSIONS) This Agreement shall at any time be open to accession by the Gov- ernment of any country on the terms contained therein so far as they are applicable to that Government and on such other terms not incon- sistent therewith as may be agreed with the Council. It shall accede as the Government either of an exporting country or of an importing

  • NTE: The text of this Article to be determined when further international

consideration of the subject is possible.