Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/777

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57 STAT.] CANADA-CANOL PROJECT-JUNE 27, 29, 1942 Agreement between the United States of America and Canada respecting the Canol Project. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Ottawa June 27 and 29, 1942; effective June 29, 1942. The American Minister to the Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 710 Ottawa, Canada, June 27, 192. SIR: 1. I have the honor to refer to recent conversations which have taken place with officials of the Department of External Affairs re- garding the desire of the United States Government to take steps for extending the fuel supply for the United States Army in Canada and Alaska. 2. My Government, faced with the necessity of obtaining an in- creased fuel supply without delay, desires to propose the following project, to wit: that it: (a) Make surveys and construct a pipeline either by United States Army Engineers or by contract, of a size sufficient to deliver three thousand barrels of oil daily from Norman Wells, Northwest Territories, Canada, to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada; (b) Sign a contract with a Canadian company to drill addi- tional wells, upon its leases obtained under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulations applicable to Dominion Lands or upon permits obtained by it under the Oil and Gas Regu- lations covering land in the vicinity of Norman Wells. Under this contract the United States War Department would provide the necessary equipment and would purchase the total flow of the additional wells during the war at an agreed price. The wells would remain part of the lease- hold or permit property of the Canadian company and would be regarded as having been drilled under the provisions of the Dominion Regulations noted in this clause; (c) Arrange for the establishment at Whitehorse of facilities for refining crude oil with a capacity of three thousand barrels per day under a contract awarded with a view to insuring the execution of the work in the shortest possible time with- out regard to whether the contractors are Canadian or American; (d) Contract with a company or companies to store for the fu- ture use of the United States Army, all of the gasoline which Extension of fuel supply for U. S. Army. Functions of U. S . Government. Surveys and con- struction of pipeline. Contract to drill additional wells. Facilitiesforrefining crude oil. Storage of gasoline. S1077° 44-PT. --- 9 1413 June 27, 29, 1942 [E. A. S. 386]