Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/99

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57 STAT.] PROCLAMATIONS-MAR . 15, 1943 733 115 west; thence south to the section corner common to sections 10, 11, 14 and 15; thence west to the section corner common to sections 8, 9, 16, and 17; thence south to the section corner com- mon to sections 20, 21, 28, and 29, thence west one-half mile to the quarter section corner between sections 20 and 29; thence south one-half mile to the center quarter section corner of section 29, township 42 north, range 115 west; thence west to the quarter section corner of sections 25 and 30 on the line between township 42 north, range 115 west, and township 42 north, range 116 west; thence south to the corner of sections 25, 30, 31 and 36; thence west to the corner of sections 25, 26, 35 and 36; thence south along the line between sections 35 and 36, township 42 north, range 116 west, sections 1 and 2, township 41 north, range 116 west, to the south and east bank of Flat Creek; thence southerly and westerly along the south and east bank of Flat Creek to the line between sections 27 and 28, township 41 north, range 116 west; thence along the section line between sections 27 and 28 to the quarter section corner between sections 27 and 28; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-half mile to the east sixteenth section corner between sections 21 and 28; thence north three-fourths mile; thence east one-fourth mile to the north sixteenth section corner between sections 21 and 22; thence north on the line between sections 21 and.22, 15 and 16 to the section corner common to sections 9, 10, 15 and 16; thence east between sections 10 and 15 to the quarter section corner between sections 10 and 15; thence north one-fourth mile; thence east one-fourth mile; thence north one-half mile; thence east one- fourth mile to the north sixteenth section corner between sections 10 and 11; thence north on the line between sections 10 and 11, 2 and 3, to the corner common to sections 34 and 35, township 42 north, range 116 west, and sections 2 and 3, township 41 north, range 116 west; thence west along the township line between townships 41 and 42 north to the quarter section corner between section 3, township 41 north, range 116 west, and section 34, township 42 north, range 116 west; thence northerly on the meridional quarter section line of section 34 to the north bank of the Gros Ventre River; thence northeasterly along the north bank of the Gros Ventre River to the line between sections 34 and 35; thence north on the line between sections 34 and 35, 26 and 27, 22 and 23, 14 and 15, to the quarter section corner between said sections 14 and 15; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile to the quarter section corner between sections 10 and 15; thence east one-fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile; thence east one-fourth mile to the south sixteenth section corner between sections 10 and 11; thence northerly on the line between said sections 10 and 11 to the north sixteenth section corner between said sections 10 and 11; thence east one- fourth mile; thence north one-fourth mile to the west sixteenth section corner of sections 2 and 11; thence in a straight line to the northwest corner of section 1, township 42 north, range 116 west; thence west on the line between townships 42 and 43 north to the present boundary of the Grand Teton National Park; thence northerly along the east boundary and southwesterly along the north boundary of the Grand Teton National Park to the place of beginning; also a tract embracing the following lands: sections 5, 6, 7, 8, and 18, and those parts of sections 3, 4, 9, 10 16 and 17 township 42 north, range 116 west, sixth principal meridian, ying west of the center line of the main channel of Snake Rivet.