Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1021

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INDEX! Legislative Branch of the Government- Page Continued. Federal Expenditures, Nonessential, Joint Committee on Reduction of, appropriation for ------------- 598, 854 Government Printing Office. See sepa- rate title. House of Representatives. See sepa- rate title. Internal Revenue Taxation, Joint Com- mittee on, appropriation for_ 163, 339, 344 Legislative Counsel, Office of, appro- priation for-----------. --- --- -. - 346 Library of Congress. See separate title. Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating--__---------- -- __ -- - 358 Overtime and other pay increases- Appropriation for ---------------- 163 Availability of appropriations ------- 359 Pay rates and designation of positions not established under Legislative Pay Act of 1929---------------- 354 Printing, Joint Committee on, appro- priation for_-------------------- 346 Senate. See separatetitle. Vehicles, private, restriction on use of funds for maintenance----------- 354 Legislative Counsel, Office of, appropria- tion for------------------------- 346 Legislative Reference Service, appropria- tion for------------------------ 164, 349 Lend-Lease: Agricultural subsidies, restriction on use of funds for-------------- --- 629 Defense Aid Appropriation Act, 1945-- 628 Defense articles- Disposition of, by War Department-- 595 Procurement of, appropriation for--- 628 Retention by U. S -- -- --- --- --- --- - 629 Food products, restriction on purchase or distribution in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands------------------ 629 Post-war policy, restriction on obliga- tions involving ----------------- 223 Time extension---------------------- . 222 Transfer of defense articles under pro- visions of---------------------- 322 United Nations Relief and Rehabilita- tion Administration, use of supplies, services, or funds available for lend- lease -------------------------- 630 Lepers, admission into appropriate Public Health Service hospitals----------- 698 Lepidolite Mines, income tax, percentage depletion------------------------ 44 Lewes, Del., flood-protection examination authorized---------------------- 904 Lewis. Elmer A., appropriationfor salary- 342 Lexington, Ky., appropriation for mainte- Page nance of Public Health Service Hos- pital---------_ -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- 559 Liberated Areas, Foreign Service officers assigned to, funds available for ---- 611 Liberia, appropriation for control of com- municable diseases in ------------- 857 Liberty Bond Act, Second, Amendment, increase of limitation on obligations_ 272 Libraries, appropriation for surveys, etc-- 553 Library of Congress: Blind, books for adult, additional appro- priation authorized ------------- 276 Appropriation for-------------- 350, 599 Buildings and grounds- Appropriation for----------- 164, 348, 351 Mance Air Conditioning Corp., funds made available for contract obli- gation with------------------- 599 Card indexes, distribution of, appropria- tion for--------------------- 164, 349 Citizenship requirements for employees, exemptions.___.--- --- --- --- --- 351 Contingent expenses, appropriation for- 351 Copyright Office- Appropriation for --------------- 164,349 Catalogue of Title Entries, appropria- tion for publication of--------- 350 Increase of, appropriation for -------- 350 Legislative Reference Service, appropri- ation for------------- ------ 164, 349 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for- __ 873 Printing and binding, appropriation for_ 350 Salaries, appropriation for---------- 164, 348 State legislation, index to, appropriation for . ------- ------- ------- -- 164, 349 Sunday opening, appropriation for- ..... 348, 349, 351 Trust Fund Board, appropriation for.. 351 Union catalogues, appropriation for- . 164, 349 Life Insurance, National Service. See National Service Life Insurance. Limitations, Statutes of: Extension of, in connection with Pearl Harbor catastrophe of Dec. 7, 1941_ 276, 808 Marine and war-risk insurance, suspen- sion of statute in certain cases---- 216 Offenses against U. S ., suspension of running of statutes------------ 667, 781 Liqueurs, tax on---------------------- 61 Liquid Fuels, Synthetic: Demonstration plants, construction and operation authorized ----------- 190 Appropriation authorized --------- 191 Appropriation for--- ------------- 494 Transportation of workers and school children---------------------- 495 Liquor. See Distilled Spirits. LXIX - . . .. . - .. - . - -- -