Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/336

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[58 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 269-JUNE 22, 1944 Reimburaement for personal property. Quarters for per- sonnel. Quartersfor depend- ents, restriction. Recruiting. In-service trainng. Transfer of house- hold goods. Provisions for sale at isolated stations. Apprehension of de- serters, etc. Aerial flights. Commutation of ra- tions, payments. Detail to officers' quarters, etc. General expenses. Improvement of property. Rations and provi dons. necessary, the cost of all not to exceed $30 per person to enlisted personnel given discharges for bad conduct, undesirability, unsuit- ability, or inaptitude; reimbursement in kind or in cash as authorized by law to persons in the naval service, for personal property lost, destroyed, or damaged; actual expenses of officers and cadets and quarters and subsistence of enlisted personnel on shore patrol, emer- gency shore detail and other detached duty, or cash in lieu thereof; hire of quarters for officers serving with troops where sufficient quar- ters are not possessed by the United States to accommodate them; hire of quarters for Coast Guard personnel comparable to quarters assignable on a capital ship of the Navy, as authorized by the Secre- tary to meet emergency conditions, including officers and men on sea duty at such times as they may be deprived of their quarters on board ship due to repairs or other conditions which may render them uninhabitable: Provided, That under this authorization no funds may be expended for the hire of quarters for occupancy by the dependents of officers or enlisted personnel; expenses of recruit- ing for the Coast Guard, rent of rendezvous, and expenses of main- taining the same; advertising for and obtaining enlisted personnel and applicants for appointment as cadets; in-service training of enlisted personnel, including textbooks, school supplies, and corre- spondence courses; transfer of household goods and effects of Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserve personnel on active duty and when ordered to active duty and upon relief therefrom, and the transfer of household goods and effects of deceased Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserve personnel who die while on active duty, as prescribed by law and regulations; transportation on Government-owned vessels of privately owned automobiles of Coast Guard personnel upon change of station; purchase of provisions for sale to Coast Guard personnel at isolated stations, and the appropriation reimbursed; and including not to exceed $470,400 for recreation, amusement, comfort, contentment, and health of the enlisted personnel of the Coast Guard, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary; apprehension and delivery of deserters and stragglers; $369,961,000: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for increased pay for making aerial flights by nonflying officers or observers at rates in excess of those prescribed by law for the Army, which shall be the legal maximum rates as to such nonflying officers or observers: Provided further, That money accruing from com- mutation of rations of enlisted personnel commuted for the benefit of any mess may be paid on proper voucher to the officer in charge of such mess: Providedfurther, That existing limitations with respect to the detail of personnel to officers' quarters and messes ashore shall not apply to the Coast Guard Academy, the Coast Guard yard, Coast Guard bases, Coast Guard air stations, Coast Guard training stations, and, in addition, not to exceed one hundred in number at such stations as shall be designated by the Commandant of the Coast Guard with the approval of the Secretary; General expenses, Coast Guard: For all expenses necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Coast Guard ashore and afloat, except as specifically provided for in other appropriations, including personal services at the seat of government and elsewhere; newspapers, refer- ence books and periodicals, and library books for field units and headquarters; printing and binding; purchase (for replacement only), maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger- carrying vehicles; improvement of property for Coast Guard purposes, including rental, purchase, or use of additional land where necessary and the purchase of land for beacons, day-marks, and fog signals; rations and provisions, or commutation thereof, for working parties 316